The Sleeping Sand Legend
Interested in learning more about the legend of Macuil, one of the Four Saints, Claude ventures out across the territory of Margrave Edmund to the Sreng Region.
Cast List

Victory Conditions
Defeat the enemy commander.Defeat Conditions
- Claude falls in battle.
- Byleth or Claude falls in battle.
Triggers for battle dialogs are still being mined. Only raw text is shown below.

There are the ruins... It looks like we're not gonna have the luxury of an excavation.
There are the ruins... It looks like we're not gonna have the luxury of an excavation.

Look. I bet those are the watchmen of the ruins, and that they've been ordered to keep out intruders.
Look. I bet those are the watchmen of the ruins, and that they've been ordered to keep out intruders.


I thought we were supposed to be given the treasure, but... Forget it. I'll just have a look around there.
I thought we were supposed to be given the treasure, but... Forget it. I'll just have a look around there.


After all the trouble we went through to get this treasure, I'm not gonna let you get your hands on it!
After all the trouble we went through to get this treasure, I'm not gonna let you get your hands on it!
Battle Dialog
Attack: Claude - The Wind Caller

I'm the grandson of the grandson of the grandson of the elite Riegan. Now tell me who you are!
I'm the grandson of the grandson of the grandson of the elite Riegan. Now tell me who you are!

The Wind Caller
I am your family's enemy. If you carry the blood of the 10 Elites, you cannot be permitted to live.
I am your family's enemy. If you carry the blood of the 10 Elites, you cannot be permitted to live.

Attack: Byleth - The Wind Caller

The Wind Caller
Hmmm... Those who stand before me... How long has it been? Hundreds of years? Thousands?
Hmmm... Those who stand before me... How long has it been? Hundreds of years? Thousands?

The Wind Caller
You have the stink of Sothis upon you... Let us find out whether you share her power.
You have the stink of Sothis upon you... Let us find out whether you share her power.
Attack: Seteth - The Wind Caller

The Wind Caller
I will not assist you. I have lived apart from the world of man, which disgusts me so. This war disgusts me also.
I will not assist you. I have lived apart from the world of man, which disgusts me so. This war disgusts me also.

Attack: Flayn - The Wind Caller

The Wind Caller
Ah, that face takes me back in time... You have not changed one bit, Ceth—
Ah, that face takes me back in time... You have not changed one bit, Ceth—