Weathervanes of Fódlan
Annette and Gilbert hope to acquire the Hero's Relic of House Dominic from Annette's uncle, Baron Dominic.
Cast List

Victory Conditions
Defeat the enemy commander.Defeat Conditions
- Annette or Gilbert falls in battle.
- Byleth, Annette, or Gilbert is defeated.
- Byleth, Dimitri, Annette, or Gilbert falls in battle.
- Byleth, Claude, Annette, or Gilbert is defeated.
- Byleth, Edelgard, Annette, or Gilbert is defeated.
Triggers for battle dialogs are still being mined. Only raw text is shown below.

Baron Dominic
Even in this land, the Empire's eye shines bright. To hand over such a weapon to you, our enemy, is unthinkable...
Even in this land, the Empire's eye shines bright. To hand over such a weapon to you, our enemy, is unthinkable...

Baron Dominic
I cannot. If it becomes known that I gave you aid, my lands will be annexed in a bitter instant.
I cannot. If it becomes known that I gave you aid, my lands will be annexed in a bitter instant.

Baron Dominic
No. Letting you simply leave will invite accusations of collusion. I must take you as my hostages.
No. Letting you simply leave will invite accusations of collusion. I must take you as my hostages.

Baron Dominic
Annette, live here with me. You needn't return to that helpless band of rebels without a glimmer of hope for victory.
Annette, live here with me. You needn't return to that helpless band of rebels without a glimmer of hope for victory.

Baron Dominic
Your mother is also here in this land. Do not dismiss my proposition so readily...
Your mother is also here in this land. Do not dismiss my proposition so readily...

Annette, go. I will acquire the Hero's Relic, even if it means crossing blades with my brother.
Annette, go. I will acquire the Hero's Relic, even if it means crossing blades with my brother.


Kingdom Soldier
Our allies are being held in that stronghold in the southeast! Please, rescue them quickly!
Our allies are being held in that stronghold in the southeast! Please, rescue them quickly!

Baron Dominic
Ha! Right to the last, you hope to strike me down. In that case, I will also lay my cards on the table and commit all my resources to this fight!
Ha! Right to the last, you hope to strike me down. In that case, I will also lay my cards on the table and commit all my resources to this fight!


I am soldier enough to admit I have lost this battle. Brother, I will lay down arms...
I am soldier enough to admit I have lost this battle. Brother, I will lay down arms...

I am soldier enough to admit I have lost this battle. Brother, I will lay down arms...
I am soldier enough to admit I have lost this battle. Brother, I will lay down arms...

Baron Dominic
So...this is it. I fought well, in the end. I doubt Cornelia will think I cooperated with you.
So...this is it. I fought well, in the end. I doubt Cornelia will think I cooperated with you.

Baron Dominic
Take the Hero's Relic and go. And in return... promise to restore the Kingdom.
Take the Hero's Relic and go. And in return... promise to restore the Kingdom.

Baron Dominic
And don't worry about your wife. Whatever happens, I swear I will protect her.
And don't worry about your wife. Whatever happens, I swear I will protect her.

Baron Dominic
When all of this is over, you had better return to her. Make sure victory is yours...Gustave.
When all of this is over, you had better return to her. Make sure victory is yours...Gustave.

You successfully completed the Paralogue and
earned a battalion!
Battle Dialog
Attack: Annette - Baron Dominic

Baron Dominic
I have no wish to enact violence on you, Annette. Listen to me and do as I say.
I have no wish to enact violence on you, Annette. Listen to me and do as I say.

Attack: Gilbert - Baron Dominic

Baron Dominic
I do not wish to repeat myself! If you want it that badly, slay me and claim it for your own!
I do not wish to repeat myself! If you want it that badly, slay me and claim it for your own!
Attack: Enemy Units - Baron Dominic

Baron Dominic
I have my own reason for not giving up. And the less I speak of it, the better...
I have my own reason for not giving up. And the less I speak of it, the better...