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  • Following the death of Rodrigue, Dimitri begins to question his desire for revenge. His troubled mind turns to the Kingdom capital and how he might end the chaos plaguing Faerghus, once and for all.


Antes de la batalla

  • Despite their victory at the Battle of Gronder, the Kingdom army turns around and marches for Fhirdiad instead of heading south.

    To hail the arrival of the Kingdom army, the people of Fhirdiad begin to rebel. No move is made to suppress them. Instead, Cornelia directs her borrowed Imperial troops to prevent Dimitri from reaching the Kingdom capital.

  • De nuevo en casa

Durante la batalla - La reconquista de la capital

La muerte de Rodrigue obliga a Dimitri a reconsiderar sus planes: por el bien de su pueblo, decide postergar la invasión del Imperio y centrar sus esfuerzos en liberar Fhirdiad, la capital del Reino.

Tras la batalla