Chapitre 22 - Une aube nouvelle sur Fódlan
Vent émeraude - Calendrier
With the destruction of Shambhala, the ambitions of those who slither in the dark are forever shattered. However, Rhea has suffered grievous injuries in the process.
Yet certain mysteries remain unsolved, so Claude and the others approach Rhea, who is now confined to her room due to her wounds.
- 1/8: Le Roi de la Libération
- 2/8: Quartier libre - Chapitre 22 - Une aube nouvelle sur Fódlan
- 3/8: Anniversaire : Manuela
- 9/8: Quartier libre - Chapitre 22 - Une aube nouvelle sur Fódlan
- 12/8: Anniversaire : Yuri
- 16/8: Quartier libre - Chapitre 22 - Une aube nouvelle sur Fódlan
- 21/8: Anniversaire : Leonie
- 23/8: Quartier libre - Chapitre 22 - Une aube nouvelle sur Fódlan
- 30/8: Quartier libre - Chapitre 22 - Une aube nouvelle sur Fódlan
- 31/8: Anniversaire : Dedue
- 31/8:
- 31/8: Jour de mission
A military force bearing the Crest of Flames on its banner marches west to Garreg Mach from Shambhala, attacking nearby cities along the way.
Rhea informs the Alliance that the enemy's general is none other than the ancient Fell King Nemesis. And so the Alliance army prepares for their final battle, hoping to put an end to Fódlan's blood- stained history.
- Pour protéger Fódlan
Combat - Pour libérer Fódlan
Shambhala est tombée, mais de ses ruines a émergé une mystérieuse armée arborant la bannière de l'emblème du feu. À sa tête se trouve Nemesis, le Roi de la Libération, que l'on pensait pourtant mort depuis mille ans.
L'aube d'une nouvelle èreCuánta bilis para alguien que debería estar criando malvas...
¡Ya lo arreglo yo!
¡Patéticos enclenques!
No tenéis valor para enfrentaros a mí en solitario.
Pero estamos decididos a escalar los muros que nos separan
para tendernos la mano en señal de amistad.
Así abrimos nuestro corazón
al prójimo.
¡Y por eso venceremos!
Los libros de historia hablarán de este día
como el del nuevo amanecer de Fódlan.
No tengo la menor duda.
Ahora está en tus manos, profe.
En cuanto a mí...
A rising flame was alight as the flow of time carved a new history for Fódlan.
The ambitions of the Fell King Nemesis were crushed, averting what could have been the greatest crisis in the history of Fódlan. After five and a half years of war, a new age was set to begin.
Country, faith, history... All that had once formed the order of the world was wiped clean. The heroes whose very hands saved Fódlan from a dark fate commenced with the building of a new society.
The leaders of this new, unified Fódlan began their walk down a seemingly endless path—one towards a world that would cherish differences in race and belief, one where all life would be valued equally.
Those leaders clung to the hope that their path would not end with Fódlan, that it would someday span the seas to Dagda, and beyond the Throat to Almyra...