Constance von Nuvelle
Heir to the former House Nuvelle

Part I Casual
volume_upBut I...I'm supposed to be better than this...
volume_upThe shame of defeat... It is more than I can bear. I'll just crawl under a rock now...
Part II Casual
volume_upNo, the time cannot be now. There is so much yet to accomplish... I have a house to restore!
volume_upThis is it? It is over now? I suppose I shall return to the darkness and brood.
Part II Classic
volume_upBut it cannot end here... I'm still so far from accomplishing my grand achievement...
volume_upWill anyone remember all that I worked for? All that I tried for? Perhaps I shall go unmourned...
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upMy next effort shall compensate.
volume_upDid the goddess not mark my effort?!
volume_upSo this is what the goddess grants me.
volume_upThat certainly isn't satisfying.
volume_upMy rise to prominence continues!
volume_upI shall never cease grasping for more!
volume_upIs such a small change truly an improvement?
volume_upI have grown marginally stronger.
volume_upThere's no masking my splendor.
volume_upI cannot mask my boundless elegance.
volume_upI pale in comparison to my allies.
volume_upImprovement enough, I suppose.
volume_upWitness the glory of House Nuvelle!
volume_upEvery limit crumbles before me!
volume_upDoubtless this is a temporary gain.
volume_upMy allies are much worthier.
volume_upI've done it! I've improved on perfection!
volume_upThis power shall restore House Nuvelle!
volume_upThe higher I ascend, the farther I can fall...
volume_upWhat shall I do with myself once this is over?
Skill Level Up
volume_upAll that studying has paid dividends.
volume_upI've come too far to stop now!
volume_upI'm still not where I want to be.
volume_upI remain unconvinced that I am any use in battle.
volume_upIt is still far from enough!
volume_upThere is room to enrich myself further.
volume_upEven a mule will reach its destination.
volume_upProwess is meaningless without resolve.
volume_upMastery is within my grasp!
volume_upMastery is within my grasp!
volume_upTo brag of this would invite mockery.
volume_upI am not qualified to command anyone.
volume_upYet another achievement to my credit.
volume_upWhat might I achieve with this, hmm?
volume_upAnd yet, I still need to grow.
volume_upI don't dare boast of my skill.
Cooking Together
volume_upMy magic can sweeten any dish!
volume_upI don't see why you're making such a fuss. Whoever complained of food tasting too sweet?
Choir Practice
volume_up♪Tra-la-laa la-laa... Sing out over peaks... Ring out over valleys... Let my lovely voice echo through the streets and alleys...♪
Name | Professor Level |
Magic | 15 |
Flying | D |
volume_upOh? Have you come to beg my assistance?
volume_upThen rejoice, for you have the aid of a Nuvelle!
volume_upYou did come seeking my aid, yes? Hopefully with something befitting my station.
volume_upAn assignment for the Officers Academy? How splendid!
volume_upI was a former attendee there myself, you know. I shall be a model of grace in my duties.
volume_upAh... You have no role worthy of me, then.
volume_upWell, one shall arise eventually, I am sure.
volume_upOh? Have you come to beg my assistance?
volume_upMuch as you could clearly use my support... I have no desire to place myself in direct sunlight.
Constance (Sunlight)
volume_upI fear to think of what dire straits you must be in to ask for my help.
volume_upBut I would be glad to serve in whatever capacity you would have me.
volume_upIf that is your decision, I shall not gainsay it.
volume_upI shall do my humble best to perform what is needed of me.
volume_upThat may be prudent. It is not for nothing that you are lauded for your wisdom.
volume_upI might feel differently about the decision under other circumstances, though.
volume_upI fear to think of what dire straits you must be in to ask for my help.
volume_upBut I would be glad to serve in whatever capacity you would have me.
volume_upAh, I passed! As I knew I would, of course.
volume_upAh, I passed! As I knew I would, of course.
volume_upI'm sure you didn't just say what I thought you did.
volume_upI'm sure you didn't just say what I thought you did.
Class Change
volume_upIt suits me, yes? But then, everything does.
volume_upI shall not disappoint, I assure you.
volume_upHow I appear does not change who I am, alas.
volume_upDoes a new role change anything?
volume_upAnother step toward my grand achievement.
volume_upFor the common good of us all!
volume_upIn this sunlight, it is hard to feel bright...
volume_upThis direction may bring improvement.
volume_upOh! I'm quite taken with this one.
volume_upDoes this highlight my glory sufficiently?
volume_upYou needn't say anything. I know how I look.
volume_upPromoting me to save me from death?