Mysterious Merchant

Tea Party
Invite to Tea
volume_upThanks for having me! Time for business! Oh... wait...a tea party?
volume_upHey, thanks for having me! So, what do you want to talk about today?
volume_upI just love this kind of tea! Makes me happy knowing you handpicked it just for me.
volume_upWhoa, I know this tea. It's super expensive. Just how did you get your hands on it?
volume_upHey, could you avert your gaze a bit? You're weirding me out!
volume_upYou can bat your lashes at me all you want. I'm not cutting you any deals, got that?
volume_upYou like my duds? They might look standard-issue, but they've got— the sales pitch for later?
volume_upEven the most confident merchant gets uncomfortable under this much scrutiny, you know?
volume_upOf course I pay my taxes! The fact that I can even do business at all is thanks to the goddess.
volume_upBeing a merchant is really dangerous. You have to be able to protect yourself at the very least.
volume_upThere's a lot of competition between us merchants. So if you've got any ideas on how I can corner the market...
volume_upYou're not half bad at brewing tea! I bet you could make a killing doing this for a living.
volume_upThe Sreng region is rich in high-quality minerals. Wonder how I can distribute them to a buyer...
volume_upThis place is just loaded with kids from noble families. So many fat little time!
volume_upI know it's good to get my mind off of business and enjoy simple things like tea sometimes,'s hard. Really, really hard...
volume_upYou're wondering where I'm from, are you? Ha! I'll never reveal my secrets!
volume_upWar pushes the profit margins up, but at what cost...
Offer some tea
This is placeholder text from the game's code— not a bug in fedatamine!
volume_upThanks for treating me! Let's do this again, yeah?
- Strange fish in the pond...
- Cooking mishaps...
- Mighty weapons...
- Favorite sweets...
- Food in the dining hall...
- You seem well...
- Monastery rules...
- Children at the market...
- The opera...
- The view from the bridge...
- Perfect recipes...
- Close calls...
- Shareable snacks...
- Past laughs...
- Thanks for everything...
- Gardening mishaps...
- Cats...
- Relaxing at the sauna...
- Exploring the monastery...
- Guessing someone's age...
- Dreamy knights...
- Likable allies...
- Gifts you'd like to receive...
- You seem different...
- Fashion...
- The ideal relationship...
- A place you'd like to visit...
- Classes you might enjoy...
- A dinner invitation...
- Heart-racing memories...
- First crushes...
- Tell me about yourself...
- Our first meeting...
- I heard some gossip...
- Equipment upkeep...
- Books you've read recently...
- Working hours for guards...
- The ideal professor...
- Reliable allies...
- You're doing great work...
- The library's collection...
- Monastery mysteries...
- Plans for the future...
- Working together...
- Fódlan's future...
- I'm counting on you...
- A strong battalion...
- Overcoming weaknesses...
- A word of advice...
- Money-making secrets...
Topics that cause a blush
- Favorite sweets...
- Thanks for everything...
- Gifts you'd like to receive...
- A dinner invitation...
- Heart-racing memories...
- Tell me about yourself...
- I'm counting on you...
- A word of advice...
- Money-making secrets...