Assistant to the archbishop of the Church of Seiros

Part II Casual
volume_upI cannot allow myself to fall here... My role is too important.
Part II Classic
volume_upI have lived many years...yet there was still more I wished to do.
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upMy age is catching up to me.
volume_upHaven't withered away just yet.
volume_upHad I room to grow?
volume_upI can feel it in my bones.
volume_upHave I regained my true power?
Skill Level Up
volume_upThere is always more to learn.
volume_upIt seems my proficiency has improved.
volume_upHopefully this proves useful.
volume_upI have mastered this ability.
Cooking Together
volume_upI have a little culinary skill, but keep your expectations modest.
volume_upWhen you have a lot of time to yourself, you learn a few things.
Choir Practice
volume_upMay my song reach the goddess in the sky.
volume_upI passed, as expected.
Class Change
volume_upI must set course for a new horizon.
volume_upMy interest is piqued.
volume_upIf it benefits the cause, so be it.