Seteth's younger sister

Study requests
- I believe I am better suited to healing than to fighting. Rather than train with traditional weapons, then, I think it best for me to focus upon my faith.
- While I find healing to be important and necessary, there are times when I feel it is insufficient. To be truly useful, I would like to improve at offensive magic as well, so my training can involve a balance of reason and faith.
volume_upI have done it!
volume_upNo need to discontinue with the praises.
volume_upAll thanks to your help.
volume_upI would like to do this again sometime.
volume_upI failed...
volume_upI already feel terrible enough. No need for harshness.
volume_upProfessor... I will work harder.
Budding Talent
volume_upI still have talent, I see!
Questions and Answers
Asking Question:
volume_upProfessor, may I ask you a question?
volume_upAh, I see.
Like Answer:
Dislike Answer:
volume_upThat is not very helpful.
Part I
Accompanied by: Hilda- I want to be able to talk to males and make friends with them, but my brother always causes such a fuss when I do. Do you have any advice for me?
- You should have an honest talk with your brother.
- Do it when he's not looking.
LikeLike - Seems like your brother has his reasons.
Part II
- I desperately want to travel to some of the places my mother and I spent time in, but I'm not really allowed to leave the monastery walls for such things. It makes me feel so sad... Is there anything I can do?
- Take a nap and maybe you'll have a dream about her.
Dislike - Close your eyes and pretend she's with you.
Like - Maybe you can paint a picture of your mother to help.