Gilbert Pronislav
Knight of Seiros

Part I Casual
volume_upI have yet to be forgiven... For now, I must retreat.
Part II Casual
volume_upIt's time to retreat. I cannot afford to fall here.
Part II Classic
volume_upYour Highness, I entreat you... Please, protect Faerghus...
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upAge takes its toll.
volume_upAh, still had room to grow.
volume_upMaybe I'm not a total waste.
volume_upReminds me of my youth.
volume_upA humbling achievement for one such as I.
Skill Level Up
volume_upVery well, then.
volume_upAlways something new to learn.
volume_upSome new insight.
volume_upSeems I'm adequately trained.
Cooking Together
volume_upI have some experience with cooking. I am sure I can aid you in the kitchen.
volume_upHow the meal tastes affects the morale of the troops. An army marches on its stomach, you know.
Choir Practice
volume_upListen to the others and harmonize. Work together. The same in music as on the battlefield.
volume_upFailure? Shame on me.
Class Change
volume_upPerhaps I should have faith in myself.
volume_upNo matter the road, I'll see it through.
volume_upWill this lead me somewhere new?