Holy Knight of Seiros

Part I Casual
volume_upForced me to retreat, huh? You'll get yours.
Part II Casual
volume_upNo... We're so close! I can't fall here. Please, see the battle through.
Part II Classic
volume_upIf I die here, you must save...
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upEven I have bad days.
volume_upI'm stronger!
volume_upThe better to serve Lady Rhea.
volume_upI fight for one reason and one alone.
volume_upJust let me at 'em.
volume_upNo one can stop me now!
Skill Level Up
volume_upLooks like I'm getting it.
volume_upThis'll help keep me alive.
volume_upI've learned a thing or two from battle.
volume_upI'll show you what I can do.
Cooking Together
volume_upYou can cook too, huh? Let's see who's better.
volume_upYou've got deft hands, I admit. Now see what I can do!
Choir Practice
volume_upYou look like a cat that's been sprayed with water. What, you don't think I should sing the high notes?
Byleth Level 15-
volume_upHey, Professor. You're good-looking, you know that?
volume_upAt the same time, you look like someone who was born to fight.
volume_upI bet we'd get along. I'm also good-looking and born to fight, heh! Need any help with your class?
volume_upFeel free to call on me when a fight's brewing.
volume_upThunderbrand and I will be there when you need us.
volume_upOK, OK. I get it.
volume_upWell, if you change your mind, come find me.
volume_upNeed something, Professor? I'm on an important mission for Lady Rhea.
volume_upUntil that's done, I can't offer any help.
volume_upTime to celebrate!
volume_upI failed.
Class Change
volume_upI never turn down a challenge.
volume_upThis will make me even stronger.
volume_upWhatever the goddess ordains.