A Critical Choice

How are you enjoying your time at the academy thus far? I hope you have found our halls brimming with the vitality of well-intentioned souls.
How are you enjoying your time at the academy thus far? I hope you have found our halls brimming with the vitality of well-intentioned souls.

Hm. I suppose it is time for you to take charge of one of our three houses of students.
Hm. I suppose it is time for you to take charge of one of our three houses of students.

I must note that I am personally against entrusting someone as lacking in trackable history as yourself with such a task, but it is as the archbishop desires.
I must note that I am personally against entrusting someone as lacking in trackable history as yourself with such a task, but it is as the archbishop desires.

The Black Eagles, the Blue Lions, and the Golden Deer... All so different. I hope you've made it a point to get to know each of them.
The Black Eagles, the Blue Lions, and the Golden Deer... All so different. I hope you've made it a point to get to know each of them.

Since you are new here, we have decided to allow you first pick. Manuela and I will take charge of the remaining two houses.
Since you are new here, we have decided to allow you first pick. Manuela and I will take charge of the remaining two houses.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.
We're looking for information about this event. If you know what triggers this block, please let us know by email or on Twitter.

Your heart has made its choice, then. All I ask is that you guide these open minds with virtue, care, and sincerity.
Your heart has made its choice, then. All I ask is that you guide these open minds with virtue, care, and sincerity.

They are all promising youths who bear the weight of Fódlan's future upon their shoulders. I hope you appreciate what an honor it is to lead them.
They are all promising youths who bear the weight of Fódlan's future upon their shoulders. I hope you appreciate what an honor it is to lead them.

Oh my! A new addition to the Officers Academy! I am so very pleased to meet you, Professor.
Oh my! A new addition to the Officers Academy! I am so very pleased to meet you, Professor.