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  • Immediately following Edelgard's defeat, the Alliance army discovers the existence of another adversary—a group operating behind the scenes within the Empire.

    Claude suspects that if the true enemy is left unchecked, disaster will befall Fódlan. And so he cuts short the celebration, and the troops head for Shambhala, where this foe resides.


Antes de la batalla

  • Relying on a map entrusted to them by Hubert, the Alliance army sets their sights on the base belonging to those who slither in the dark. Beyond its entrance, they are met by a sprawling underground city.

  • Un mundo subterráneo

Durante la batalla - Contienda en Shambhala

Las llamas de la guerra se extinguen, pero aún quedan peligrosos rescoldos: el grupo se dirige al inframundo para derrotar a las Serpientes de las Tinieblas y restaurar, de una vez por todas, la paz en Fódlan.

La maldición
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!
Non ti godrai
la tua vittoria.
Non può essere!
Per tutti gli agarthei
sia fatta luce!
Crolla tutto!
Bravura y tragedia
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!
È uno scherzo di pessimo gusto?!
Ti ho cercato a lungo...
Ti staccherò la testa
e l'appenderò alle porte di Enbarr!
Fermo lì!
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!

Tras la batalla