It is Imperial Year 1185. Nearly five years have passed since the fall of the monastery at Garreg Mach, and war continues to plague the lands of Fódlan.
Fhirdiad has been captured. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in shambles. The Leicester Alliance is on the verge of collapse, fractured by two opposing factions—those who support the Adrestian Empire and its ruler, and those who seek her demise.
Meanwhile, under Emperor Edelgard's rule of law, the Adrestian Empire continues to expand its reach. The path to a new Fódlan, unified by Imperial strength, may yet be in sight.
- 復活
- 銀雪の如き想い
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!剣は容易く交わるというのに……
どちらかの道が途絶える時よ - 戦乱の余波
- 12月1日: アロイスの誕生日
- 12月12日: ベルナデッタの誕生日
- 12月20日: ディミトリの誕生日
- 12月25日: 千年祭
ガルグ=マク落成から千周年を 祝う祭典の予定日。 戦乱により中止となった。 - 12月25日: 課題日
- 12月27日: 聖キッホルの日
四聖人の1人である聖キッホルに 祈りを捧げる日。 - 12月27日: セテスの誕生日
In the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, Imperial loyalist Cornelia has subdued all regions of the former royal house of Blaiddyd to prevent further revolt.
Prince Dimitri has been sentenced. Now, the backbone of the former Kingdom—Houses Gautier and Fraldarius—struggle to continue the resistance.
Cornelia—operating out of the royal palace—has accepted the support of the Empire to build an army and plots to wipe out all remaining Kingdom forces.
In the Leicester Alliance, House Riegan leads an anti-Imperial faction, while House Gloucester directs the Empire's supporters.
Despite the undeniable threat of fracture, the Alliance's adept new leader, Claude, deftly maintains the outward appearance of a unified front.
In Enbarr, the Imperial Capital of the Adrestian Empire, Emperor Edelgard fights to strengthen her regime.
She has extended her reach to the Kingdom by inciting a coup and continues to draw its former lords under her influence in pursuit of controlling all of western Fódlan.
In the meantime, the Knights of Seiros have been dispatched to find Archbishop Rhea, who remains missing despite their searching. Left unattended, the monastery at Garreg Mach has fallen to ruin... and become a haven for thieves.
BATTLE - 夜明けの追討戦
ガルグ=マクの戦いから5年。ガルグ=マク の街は荒れ果て、山賊までもが巣食っている という。人々のため、このまま放置はできな いと、2人は街へ足を踏み入れる。