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  • The Kingdom army meets with Rodrigue in Ailell, the Valley of Torment. With the strength of House Fraldarius on their side, the time to invade the Empire is finally at hand.



  • Intent on the Imperial capital, the Kingdom army goes around the Oghma Mountains and marches through Alliance territory as they continue south.

    But this route takes them through the territory of House Gloucester—Imperial supporters—so they request help from Claude, the leader of House Riegan.

    Claude agrees to distract House Gloucester's soldiers, and the Kingdom army marches onward toward the Great Bridge of Myrddin to cross the Airmid River, which separates the Alliance and the Empire.

BATTLE - 密尔丁大桥之战

一行人决定要阻止帝国的侵略并反攻帝国。 为此,他们必须把连系同盟领与帝国领的 要冲——横跨阿密多大河的密尔丁大桥拿下。