


  • volume_up
    I appreciate this.


  • volume_up
    Wow! For me?


  • volume_up
    I'll take this for now.


  • Sunflower
    Grown all across Fódlan. Appreciated by those who like flowers.
  • Ancient Coin
    A coin said to have been used as currency in ancient times. Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling, art, or coins.
  • Fishing Float
    A tool that tells you when a fish is on the line. Appreciated by those who enjoy fishing.
  • Floral Adornment
    Flowers cut short so they can be worn decoratively. Appreciated by most ladies and those who like gardening.


  • Exotic Spices
    Spices from a land to the east of Almyra. Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling or cooking.
  • Monarch Studies Book
    An essential text for future kings, queens, and emperors. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying government.

Lost Items

Given Item


  • volume_up
    Oh, this is mine! I thought it had vanished. Thanks, I owe you.


  • volume_up
    Hm, not mine. Try someone else.

Lost Items

  • Introduction to Magic
    A simple and easy to understand textbook on magic. It probably belongs to someone who is not good at magic.
  • Foreign Gold Coin
    An unusual gold coin engraved with mysterious letters. It probably belongs to someone who likes collecting coins.
  • Mysterious Notebook
    A notebook full of cheesy jokes and bad puns. It probably belongs to someone who likes telling jokes.