Alois Rangeld
Knight of Seiros

Tea Party
Invite to Tea
volume_upI'm here, Professor.
volume_upHey, Professor! It's been too long.
volume_upThat delightful favorite tea. Is it yours too?
volume_upOh, this tea must be quite expensive. No need to pull out all the stops.
volume_upSomething wrong?
volume_upKnow any good jokes?
volume_upCaptain Jeralt once told me I didn't look dignified. That's why I grew this beard!
volume_upSome people say, "That's not a beard. That's a goatee." I say, "Stop splitting hairs!" Hah!
volume_upYou don't look much like Captain Jeralt, but you remind me of him.
volume_upThere's nothing worse than trying to explain a joke.
volume_upGhosts, sailing, spicy foods... These are the fears I have yet to conquer.
volume_upYou should go fishing with me soon! The other day, I almost caught one.
volume_upDon't forget, if you ever need anything, just let me know.
volume_upI've been prattling on and on about myself. How are you today?
volume_upThe other night, I felt a ghostly presence in my bed. I leapt to my feet, one was there.
volume_upI'm your big brother Alois! You can ask me anything you want.
volume_upWhen the war's over, I can finally go home to my wife and daughter...
Offer some tea
This is placeholder text from the game's code— not a bug in fedatamine!
volume_upThanks for the tea, Professor! Let's do that again sometime soon.
- Strange fish in the pond...
- Cooking mishaps...
- Mighty weapons...
- Favorite sweets...
- Food in the dining hall...
- You seem well...
- Monastery rules...
- Children at the market...
- The opera...
- The view from the bridge...
- Perfect recipes...
- Things that bother you...
- Close calls...
- Shareable snacks...
- School days...
- Past laughs...
- Thanks for everything...
- Gardening mishaps...
- Cats...
- Exploring the monastery...
- Gifts you'd like to receive...
- A place you'd like to visit...
- A dinner invitation...
- First crushes...
- Tell me about yourself...
- Our first meeting...
- I heard some gossip...
- Equipment upkeep...
- Working hours for guards...
- The ideal professor...
- Your ambitions...
- You're doing great work...
- Monastery security...
- The last battle...
- A new gambit...
- Plans for the future...
- Working together...
- Fódlan's future...
- I'm counting on you...
- Someone you look up to...
- A strong battalion...
- Overcoming weaknesses...
- A word of advice...
- Good jokes...
Topics that cause a blush
- Strange fish in the pond...
- Favorite sweets...
- You seem well...
- Close calls...
- Past laughs...
- Exploring the monastery...
- Gifts you'd like to receive...
- A place you'd like to visit...
- A dinner invitation...
- First crushes...
- Working hours for guards...
- The ideal professor...
- Your ambitions...
- You're doing great work...
- Monastery security...
- Plans for the future...
- I'm counting on you...
- Someone you look up to...
- Overcoming weaknesses...
- Good jokes...