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  • With Derdriu under Imperial control, the Leicester Alliance ceases to exist, and its remaining lords ally themselves with the Empire. The Black Eagle Strike Force, having now conquered all of eastern Fódlan, confidently moves to invade the Kingdom.


Antes de la batalla

  • Following the Alliance's defeat, the Black Eagle Strike Force prepares to invade the Kingdom, but the Kingdom's new allies—the Knights of Seiros—begin to make an advance of their own.

    After appearing in Ailell, the Valley of Torment, and following the border south, the Knights of Seiros openly march to recapture the monastery at Garreg Mach.

  • Ataque sorpresa

Durante la batalla - La defensa de Garreg Mach

La reunificación de Fódlan está más cerca tras la anexión de la Alianza. El escuadrón del Águila Negra se prepara en Garreg Mach para conquistar el Reino sin sospechar que un enemigo acecha entre las sombras...

Tras la batalla