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  • After a narrow victory over the Knights of Seiros at Garreg Mach, the Black Eagle Strike Force hopes to secure a route to Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital.


Antes de la batalla

  • In order to secure a successful invasion of Fhirdiad, Edelgard launches a raid on the Fortress City of Arianrhod, which occupies a key position on the border.

    At Arianrhod, a mage serving House Blaiddyd named Cornelia and the head of House Fraldarius, Rodrigue, strengthen their defenses.

Durante la batalla - El asedio de Arianrhod

Decidida a unificar Fódlan, Edelgard finge una prematura invasión de Fhirdiad mientras el escuadrón del Águila Negra, siguiendo sus órdenes, ataca por sorpresa Arianrhod, la fortaleza del sur.

Tras la batalla