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  • The Alliance army successfully rendezvous with Judith in Ailell. With the addition of House Daphnel's forces, the time has come to invade Empire territory.

Programma eventi

Prima della battaglia

  • Sights set on the Imperial capital, the Alliance army chooses to march through the territory of House Gloucester—supporters of the Empire.

    Under the command of Nardel, the retainer of House Riegan, the defensive forces of Houses Riegan and Daphnel draw out the Gloucester troops.

    Thus the Alliance army can continue its march toward the Great Bridge of Myrddin and cross the Airmid River, which separates the Alliance and the Empire.

Battaglia - Battaglia al Gran Ponte

Dopo aver respinto l'Impero, il tuo gruppo pianifica l'avanzata, ma prima di tutto bisogna conquistare l'importante snodo strategico del Gran Ponte di Myrddin sul fiume Airmid, che separa l'Impero dall'Alleanza.

Dopo la battaglia