Together, the people of Fódlan relish the beauty of the brilliant moon overhead as another year ends. They recall sad partings and new acquaintances alike, but each person must still walk their chosen path alone.
With each day the presence of spring grows stronger, and yet a lone moon still haunts the sky. A silent reminder, perhaps, of some inescapable truth...
- 3月2日: 圣印迪哈日
为四圣人之一的圣印迪哈 献上祈祷的日子。 - 3月14日: 伊古纳兹的生日
- 3月17日: 帝国军崛起
- 3月20日: 康丝坦洁的生日
- 3月21日: 散步 - 12章 - 揭开战乱序幕
- 3月27日: 萨米亚的生日
- 3月28日: 散步 - 12章 - 揭开战乱序幕
- 3月29日: 揭开战乱序幕·金鹿学级
- 3月31日: 课题日
BATTLE - 加尔古·玛库之战
艾黛尔贾特所率领的帝国军朝着加尔古·玛库 进军。得悉此事后,众人各自下定了决心。 无人乐见的战乱时代,即将揭开序幕。
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!孩子們……還有大家,就交給你了喔。
為什麼要來這裡……! -
In Imperial Year 1181, the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg, led a strategic assault against the monastery at Garreg Mach. Though her own losses were great, her foes had no choice but to surrender.
Archbishop Rhea commanded the Knights of Seiros, leading from the front lines against the Imperial army. But amidst the chaos of battle, she vanished, and her whereabouts remain unknown.
With this single attack, the Adrestian Empire officially launched its offensive against the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance. The unification of Fódlan has begun.