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Prince Dimitri and the remnants of the royal army join with the remaining Knights of Seiros to form a revitalized Kingdom army. Using Garreg Mach as their base of operations, they rise to action against the Empire.
- 1月1日: 芙朵拉的中心
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- 1月11日: 聖賽羅司日
為女神所差遣的預言者 聖賽羅司獻上祈禱的日子。 - 1月11日: 蕾雅的生日
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- 1月31日: 課題日
At the monastery at Garreg Mach, the Kingdom army proceeds to bolster its forces, but the Empire is already one step ahead.
An Imperial vanguard, led by General Randolph, has deduced the location of the Kingdom army and now advances with the aim of toppling Garreg Mach for a second time.
BATTLE - 加爾古‧瑪庫圍城戰
學級眾人將五年前的約定銘記於心,再次聚集 於大修道院。加上騎士團的歸來,眾人都為 重逢而歡欣。然而突如其來的敵軍來襲通知, 結束了這短暫的敘舊時光。