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  • Prince Dimitri and the remnants of the royal army join with the remaining Knights of Seiros to form a revitalized Kingdom army. Using Garreg Mach as their base of operations, they rise to action against the Empire.

Programma eventi

Prima della battaglia

  • At the monastery at Garreg Mach, the Kingdom army proceeds to bolster its forces, but the Empire is already one step ahead.

    An Imperial vanguard, led by General Randolph, has deduced the location of the Kingdom army and now advances with the aim of toppling Garreg Mach for a second time.

Battaglia - Assedio al Garreg Mach

Tenendo fede alla promessa fatta cinque anni prima, gli studenti si radunano un'altra volta al monastero dove incontrano alcuni Cavalieri di Seiros. Ma il gioioso ritrovo viene presto interrotto...

Dopo la battaglia