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  • Following Edelgard's defeat and Rhea's rescue, the resistance army discovers the existence of another adversary—a group operating behind the scenes within the Empire.

    To prevent disaster from befalling Fódlan, the resistance army heads for Shambhala, the enemy's stronghold.



  • Relying on a map entrusted to them by Hubert, the resistance army sets their sights on the base belonging to those who slither in the dark. Beyond its entrance, they are met by a sprawling underground city.

  • 地底世界

BATTLE - 香巴拉之戰

戰爭已經結束,但其火種仍在持續燃燒。 為了打敗芙朵拉的暗黑蠢動者並將真正的和平 握於掌中,一行人馬不停蹄地前往敵人的 根據地——香巴拉。

This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!
실력은 녹슬지 않은 것 같구나, 꼬맹이
모두들 들어라!
지금 막, 팔미라가 우리 군의 지휘하에 들어왔다!
그들과 함께 난공불락의 요새를 공략한다!!
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!
검은 이리도 쉽게 섞을 수 있는데……
우리의 길은 섞일 수 없어
안녕, 선생님
다음에 만날 때는
누군가의 길이 끊어질 때일 거야