The Rose-Colored River
Explore - Chapter 16

If our plan succeeds, we'll arrive at the Great Bridge of Myrddin unscathed. The important part is what happens next.

We're evenly matched in terms of military power, more or less, so if we can just launch a surprise attack...

I wouldn't be so sure. That bridge is almost like a fortress. The defense there is rock solid.

I'll give you that the bridge is basically a fortress. I wouldn't say we're at a loss, but we certainly shouldn't rest easy.

But that's why you're here, Teach! No matter the odds, you're the wild card we need to win!

And if you're off by yourself, you can get killed with no one ever even finding out.

Oh, that'd be awful—just terrible! OK, Professor, I get it. I know I'll have to come out.

Next we face the Great Bridge of Myrddin... We actually crossed it a long time ago.

What are you talking about, Professor? It was on the way to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion!

Everyone was still friends then. After the fighting, we all ate together without splitting into our separate houses.

Next we face the Great Bridge of Myrddin... We actually crossed it a long time ago.

What are you talking about, Professor? It was on the way to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion!

Everyone was still friends then. After the fighting, we all ate together without splitting into our separate houses.

Even so, I cannot deny that some small part of me has always been aware of my father's wishes.

Quite the contrary, honestly. I feel as though a fog has finally lifted from my eyes.

In this fight, I will finally stand upon my own two feet, independent of my father's influence.

The battle at Ailell was a tactical marvel. You grow stronger with each passing day.

Where does your talent end and your Crest's power begin? Are they one and the same, I wonder?

Most intriguing. Yet it is quite difficult to draw useful conclusions, given the situation.

It is quite unfortunate I did not achieve my research goals before the war broke out. So much unknown.

Now, I fear I will not have those answers even by conflict's end. So very frustrating.

It doesn't look like you're wounded or anything. You just looking for...someone to talk to?

Come on now, you don't have to be shy. Helping you feel better is important to me.

Whether it's physical pain or worries of the heart, you can come to me for anything, Professor.

I'd heard of the Hero of Daphnel, but that was the first time I've met her in person.

She's the head of a prestigious noble family? Just like Claude. The Alliance nobility is so...odd.

Kind of, but I don't mean that in a bad way. You won't find such big-hearted nobles elsewhere.


I don't know where he recruited that man, but Claude's got an eye for great talent.

I've only spoken with him briefly, but he seems to have a fair amount of both brains and brawn, with the skills to match.

But there's something about him I can't quite place... Like I've somehow heard of him before...

I was talking to some of the Daphnel soldiers earlier, and it seems that Judith has a weakness.

But they wouldn't tell me what it is! I got the feeling they didn't appreciate the question. Pardon me for being curious!

That said, maybe keep this to yourself. Not that she terrifies me to my soul, but I'd hate to get on her bad side...
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

Gwendal, whom we saw at Ailell, was once a renowned general known as the Gray Lion.

And yet, as we fought seemed like he was just looking for a place to die.

Even if House Rowe, whom he served, is no more, he shouldn't have just given up on life.
Knight of Seiros

The year 1185 is almost over. From next month on, it will be the year 1186...

It's just a date, of course, but it feels significant. I hope next year is a great one.

On the north side of the Great Bridge of Myrddin lies the territory of Acheron of the Alliance, and to the south, the Empire's Bergliez territory.

Count Bergliez has held the position of Minister of Military Affairs for the Empire ever since the days of Emperor Ionius.

The current emperor seems to have brought the corrupt nobility to heel, but Count Bergliez looks to be an exception.

Huh. That lady hasn't changed a bit since I was a kid. Still intimidating as hell. What a woman.

Being me, I'm not nervous or anything. I just... I'm not sure how to approach her, that's all.

My luck, she'll treat me like I'm still a kid, even though I'm clearly a full-grown adult man.

Hm. If that's the angle she takes, maybe I can get some nice hugs out of this... Huh?! Oh, nothing.

Invading the Empire at last, are we? I cannot still the wild palpitations in my chest.

I have made myself ready to the extent that I could, but now that the day draws near...

I fear that to proceed will be to abandon all hope of restoring the Imperial house of Nuvelle.

Which leaves me with no choice but to appeal to you and Claude for that. My dream is in your hands.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Lots of things happen down here. Lots of reports need to be reported. And for all reportable things, I'm your guy.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?