Field of the Eagle and Lion
Explore - Chapter 7
Edelgard & Monica

What do you say, Edel? Shall we meet up in the library later to... Oh! Hello, Professor!

Since I couldn't graduate last year, I really want to make sure I can do so this year.

Flayn and...Monica, was it? I'm glad they were returned safe and sound.

The Battle of the Eagle and Lion... Its name comes from the war in which the Kingdom won its independence from the Empire.

It's imperative that we fight our best. We must live up to the legacy of the King of Lions.

To hold a fishing tournament at a time like this... Participate if you must, but I urge you not to lose sight of our goal.

As for me, I won't be joining in. I'm so focused on the battle ahead, I fear I would snap my poor rod right in half.

The Battle of the Eagle and Lion... Its name comes from the war in which the Kingdom won its independence from the Empire.

It's imperative that we fight our best. We must live up to the legacy of the King of Lions.

Going all the way to the Empire for a mock battle? This is serious business. And there's a reward to be had as well. I'd really like to win this thing.

Everyone else seems to be raring to go too. We're all looking to you to guide us, Teach.

Seteth, that stubborn goat. Holding a fishing tournament now? Just last month he looked like death warmed over.

Going all the way to the Empire for a mock battle? This is serious business. And there's a reward to be had as well. I'd really like to win this thing.

Everyone else seems to be raring to go too. We're all looking to you to guide us, Teach.

But after the civil war, the northern region split off and became the Kingdom. Later, the eastern part of the Kingdom seceded to become the Alliance.

There are three powers today, but a thousand years ago, we were all united as one.

Even now, among the nobles of the Empire, there are some who dream of reunifying Fódlan...

I'm just absolutely exhausted. I swear to you, Professor, every month we're worked harder than the month before.

I had imagined the academy as a chance to possibly relax before our lives began in earnest.

After graduating, we'll enter into noble society, which means contending with all the intrigues and dramas that entails.

I want to just...postpone life for a bit. Fish... Nap under a tree... Skip out on lectures and— Well, not your lectures of course, Professor.

Agreed. That's the Church of Seiros for you. What is it they say? "Those with power are obliged to use it."

So, you are joining the fishing tournament? That's great! But you don't stand a chance against me!


Really? Are you sure?! You wouldn't say that if you weren't completely sure, right?!

I tried it once, and...ugh. Gross. I don't even really like to eat fish, let alone catch and gut them.


I am happy that you will have participation. Maybe you and I both can have a small contest with each other?

We will both have catching of the same fish type and do comparisons. Whoever has the fish with the biggest size will be winning. OK?

Show me the fish so we can see whose has the biggest size. I will have comparisons now.

Show me the fish so we can see whose has the biggest size. I will have comparisons now.

This created more fun than I have experienced in a long time. Did you also have the fun?

The Battle of the Eagle and Lion draws near. His Highness insists upon training well into the night.

He has said it is nothing to worry about. But how could I not be concerned?

Ever since the tournament, the kitchen is completely overtaken with fish. The cooks cannot keep up.

I'm not interested in glory or prizes. All I want is a formidable enemy to sink my teeth into.

As far as I can see, there are only a couple of opponents worth my time.

Since we were little, Ingrid's always gotten this odd look in her eye when someone brings up food.

Fishing was a nice change of pace, but now it's time to focus on the Battle of the Eagle and Lion!

Heh! Just kidding of course. The most important thing right now is preparing for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.

After all, the ladies love nothing more than a winner. And around here, there's no bigger game.

After all, the ladies love nothing more than a winner. And around here, there's no bigger game.

After all, the ladies love nothing more than a winner. And around here, there's no bigger game.

Holding such a frivolous and downright ridiculous event so close to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion... It's absolutely absurd.

Although...they did say we could eat whatever we catch. I'm a sucker for a good meal... I just couldn't resist.

Are you taking part as well? Why don't we have some fun with this? A little contest.

If you catch a fish like this, come show it to me. Whoever catches the bigger fish will be the victor.

All that's left now is to eat it! Should I smoke it? Stew it? Ohhh, I'm drooling already!

I received a rare letter from my father recently. He said that he is praying for the Golden Deer House to emerge victorious. Insistently praying.

My father attended the Officers Academy, and won a glorious victory in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.

I think he is quite proud of that, even to this day. I suppose that shows how great an honor it truly is.

I received a rare letter from my father recently. He said that he is praying for the Golden Deer House to emerge victorious. Insistently praying.

You get to fish in the pond as much as you want. The more you catch, the more you get to eat!

Is that the best you could do? Looks like I'm the winner! My fish looks bigger and tastier!

The fishing tournament's over already? Guess it's time for my personal eating tournament, then. Best part losing!

Oh, are you taking part in the fishing tournament? Let's put your skills to the test!

I think that's the end of the fishing tournament. I suppose it's time to prepare for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion!

Why are they having a fishing tournament now? Are they just giving up on the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?!

Why are they having a fishing tournament now? Are they just giving up on the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?!

Why are they having a fishing tournament now? Are they just giving up on the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?!


Since I'm sure the students would be interested, I have decided to hold a fishing tournament here at the monastery.

I have left all of the specifics to Shamir. Please, enter and put in your best effort.

I hear that you participated in the fishing tournament. I appreciate you taking the time.

I don't know if you've heard, but Flayn is very special. Her blood carries a rare Crest...

Oh, the lengths to which she could advance my research, if only I were able to study her!

If only it weren't for Seteth's strict orders! He protects his sister with unusual zeal.

I dislike it, but I agree. The time I would spend begging him and accomplishing nothing would be better spent on other research.

Have you ever tried convincing Seteth of anything? I'm not sure I could convince that man the sky is blue if he hadn't already looked up for himself.

Have you thought about entering? Maybe you and I could have a little friendly competition.

I just caught this fish here. Why don't you try catching a bigger one of the same type?

The recent happenings at the monastery... There is something going on behind the scenes here.

I've been commissioned to investigate as well. As I've already mentioned, this month I'm off to the Kingdom.

How are preparations for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion going? Hm? Fishing? Taking it easy, are you?

The recent happenings at the monastery... There is something going on behind the scenes here.

I've been commissioned to investigate as well. As I've already mentioned, this month I'm off to the Kingdom.

How are preparations for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion going? Hm? Fishing? Taking it easy, are you?

The recent happenings at the monastery... There is something going on behind the scenes here.

I've been commissioned to investigate as well. As I've already mentioned, this month I'm off to the Kingdom.


When you feel that first refreshing breeze upon your face, you know it is almost time for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.

Gronder Field is within the Empire, but the path there from the monastery necessitates passing through Alliance territory.

Fódlan's biggest river, the Airmid River, flows along the border between the Empire and the Alliance.

You will have to cross one of the largest bridges upon that river, the Great Bridge of Myrddin.

But it turns out she was kidnapped! I can't believe it. How awful it must have been for the poor thing.

They say her personality has completely changed, but at least she seems more cheerful than before. Grateful to be alive, perhaps?
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

After the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, a prize is awarded to the winner by the archbishop herself.

It's a three-way battle, so you can't waste too much time just observing. You have to jump right in there.

You have to be proactive and defeat the most opponents. Do that, and it's quite possible the archbishop will recognize how strong you are.

Knight of Seiros

Along with Flayn, we found another female student who went missing last year.

His origin begged many questions, so there were plenty of objections to his appointment here.

He is apparently from House Hrym of the Empire, but he was adopted from another family. Or so they say...

Anyway, there hasn't been much good to be said about House Hrym in recent decades.

All this really has me feeling nostalgic. Back when I was in the academy, I took part in the battle too.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

Hey, pal. The surface brats have that big brawl this month, yeah? The Battle of the Eagle and Lion?

Hey, pal. The surface brats have that big brawl this month, yeah? The Battle of the Eagle and Lion?

Ha! Got ya! I'll be cheering for your house this time. Not like I have anything better to do.

Hey, pal. This month is the big brawl, yeah? Yeah! It's the Battle of the Eagle and Lion!

I hear I'm free to join in. My heart's full to bursting! My muscles too, but that's pretty normal for me.

This is big, pal. The Legendary King of Grappling's triumphant return. The other houses won't know what hit 'em!

We're not acquainted, but I have heard tell that the baron has a daughter roughly her age.

Despite my current circumstances, I was born into House Nuvelle, one of the preeminent houses of the Empire. Didn't you know?

There isn't much of my house left to speak of, but mark my words, someday it shall return in glory!

We're not acquainted, but I have heard tell that the baron has a daughter roughly her age.

Speaking of Baron Ochs and those recent goings-on in the Imperial capital...there's no link there, I trust?


By the by, do I have to participate in this Eagle and Lion thing this month?

Gotcha. Well, I hope we win. You won't like what happens if I'm on the losing team.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

You're wondering where Mr. Backup is, aren't you? Figured you'd want an update. Or report, if you will. He's gone. Other duties or some such nonsense.

But he'll be back, right? I bet so... I think he liked this place? Especially the company... We really had something... Hm, he'll miss it. Just you wait and see.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.

When the nobles came for me, they were completely without mercy. They... They killed everyone.

My parents. My husband. My son. They all died... for nothing. For being in the way.

People with Crests do whatever they want. No one even tries to stop them. Especially not the church...
Elderly Man

Folks up above caught so many fish that we've got a bunch more down here than usual.


I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?