Girl from a forgotten village

Hapi (Solo)
Where exactly Hapi went after the war is unknown. Some say she returned to her hometown to live a quiet life, while others speculate she assumed a new identity in the underworld beneath Garreg Mach. There is one incident that is a matter of historical record, however. Some years later, remnants of those who slither in the dark emerged to threaten Fódlan once again. They were defeated by a mysterious woman leading a horde of beasts.
Hapi (Solo)
Where exactly Hapi went after the war is unknown. Some say she returned to her hometown to live a quiet life, while others speculate she assumed a new identity in the underworld beneath Garreg Mach. There is one incident that is a matter of historical record, however. Some years later, when those who slither in the dark emerged to threaten Fódlan once again, they were defeated by a mysterious woman leading a horde of beasts.
Hapi (Solo)
Though Hapi's exact whereabouts after the war for Fódlan are not known, it is widely speculated that she returned to her hometown to live a quiet life. One strange occurrence is a matter of historical record, however. When the Empire began its struggle against those who slither in the dark in earnest, Imperial forces were sometimes aided by a mysterious woman leading a horde of beasts.
Byleth (Male) & Hapi
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Hapi. Her disquieting lineage earned her more than her fair share of detractors, but over time, as the royal couple restored Fódlan together, the people came to appreciate her competence and taciturn wit. Some years later, when those who slither in the dark emerged to threaten Fódlan once again, it is said that Hapi's strength was instrumental in dealing with them.
Byleth (Male) & Hapi
After becoming the new Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Hapi. Her disquieting lineage earned her more than her fair share of detractors, but over time, as the royal couple restored Fódlan together, the people came to appreciate her competence and taciturn wit. Some years later, when those who slither in the dark emerged to threaten Fódlan once again, it is said that Hapi's strength was instrumental in dealing with them.
Byleth (Male) & Hapi
Almost immediately after Byleth and Hapi had celebrated their marriage in a lively ceremony, the battle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Contrary to expectations, Hapi wholeheartedly charged to the front lines and fought alongside her husband until true peace came to Fódlan. Afterward, the couple vanished without a trace—at least until someone claiming to be a descendant produced a chronicle of their lives. According to that account, the pair had retired to a secluded village at the foot of the Oghma Mountains. There, the author writes, they pledged their undying love for each other underneath a starry sky.
Yuri & Hapi
After the war, Yuri accompanied Hapi to the village where she was born. The surprise nature of the visit, combined with a local custom of massive celebrations for family reunions, made things awkward at first. The party did not get started until nightfall, but Hapi was able to reunite with her parents, and under that starry sky, lasting bonds were forged. In fact, it is said that Yuri, a complete stranger, made such an impression that the welcome party lasted for seven days and nights before he was finally permitted to leave. Years later, they returned for another visit—this time as a couple. The village turned out en masse for the wedding, held under those same stars.
Balthus & Hapi
Shortly after the war, Hapi and Balthus disappeared. Their absence from the world stage was not lasting, however, as before long they emerged as the leaders of an elite band of mercenaries. The group traveled all over Fódlan helping those in need, with a noted specialty in handling monsters. It is said that these mercenaries lived raucously, laughing often, and that not a single sigh of discontent was ever heard. Some years later, when those who slither in the dark returned to threaten Fódlan once again, these mercenaries were instrumental in dealing with them.
Balthus & Hapi
Shortly after the war, Hapi and Balthus disappeared. Their absence from the world stage was not lasting, however, as before long they emerged as the leaders of an elite band of mercenaries. The group traveled all over Fódlan helping those in need, with a noted specialty in handling monsters. It is said that these mercenaries lived raucously, laughing often, and that not a single sigh of discontent was ever heard. Some time later, when those who slither in the dark threatened Fódlan, it is rumored that these mercenaries were instrumental in dealing with them.
Constance & Hapi
Once all the fighting was over, Hapi and Constance set out together on a journey across Fódlan. They toured the land as they liked, watching it come together in the aftermath of war. They helped in the rebuilding effort here and there with magic and even the occasional sigh. When their wanderings were done, they returned to Garreg Mach, to which they also lent their restorative talents, both above and below the ground. It is said that they remained lifelong friends, steadfast through thick and thin forever after.
Hapi & Dimitri
After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. He focused first and foremost on the restoration of the Kingdom but at the same time worked to expose the schemes of Cornelia and of those who conspired to bring about the Tragedy of Duscur. Always by his side was Hapi, who relentlessly pursued those who slither in the dark and, with Dimitri's help, discovered a magic spell to rid herself of her condition. Once all had settled down, the pair was known to have tea together often in the capital. It is said that Dimitri's tendency to discuss politics during tea time frequently moved Hapi to smirk, shake her head, and sigh.
Hapi & Ashe
After the war, Ashe was formally knighted and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors. He soon married Hapi, whose competence lent much reliability to the governance of their territory. The ruling couple developed a frank and earnest relationship with their people, and the territory prospered. They were also blessed with many children, and their home was always so busy and full of merriment that there was never an occasion to sigh. It is said that Hapi took such delight in recounting Ashe's stories to their children that it became hard to believe she had ever despised knights.
Hapi & Linhardt
After the war, Linhardt abandoned his inherited position and instead journeyed with Hapi to the village both she and Saint Timotheos were from. The villagers initially bristled at the arrival but welcomed the two once they recognized Hapi. Combining what he had uncovered beneath Garreg Mach with notes found in the village said to have been left by Timotheos himself, Linhardt swiftly unraveled the mystery of Hapi's unique power. With little to do once the research was completed, the pair embarked upon a life of leisure together.
Hapi (Solo)
Disappeared completely after the battle of Garreg Mach. She was unable to make the promised meeting.
Hapi (Solo)
Fell in <Battlefield> <Month>, <Year>.