Lysithea von Ordelia
Heir to House Ordelia

volume_upLysithea is the daughter of Count Ordelia, and is probably the youngest student here.volume_upBut watch out! She gets angry if you treat her like a child. As for me, I do it on purpose. You have to make your own fun in this place, you know?
Leicester Alliance
Height148 cm, 160 cm
Birthday2/28 (Pegasus Moon)

Minor Crest of Charon
House Charon's Minor Crest, inherited from
Charon of the 10 Elites. Sometimes raises Mt
when using combat arts.

Crest of Gloucester
House Gloucester's Crest, inherited from
Gloucester of the 10 Elites. Occasionally
raises Mt during magic attacks.
- Magic and tactics research
- Eating sweets (secretly)
Sweets, cute things, lilies
Being treated like a child, anything physically laborious, ghosts, bitter foods
Personal History
Part I
Year | Details |
1164 | Born the eldest daughter of House Ordelia. |
1167 | Caught in House Hrym's revolt and suffers Imperial intervention. |
1180 | Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach. |
Part II (Not Crimson Flower)
Year | Details |
1181 | Goes back home to assist her father with governmental affairs. |
1185 | Remembers the promise made five years ago and returns to Garreg Mach. |
Part II (Crimson Flower)
Year | Details |
1181 | House Ordelia declares its support of the Empire. |
1184 | Returns to Garreg Mach to serve the Imperial army. |
1185 | Joins with the Black Eagle Strike Force. |
Part II (Turncoat)
Year | Details |
1181 | House Ordelia declares its anti-Imperialist standing. |
1185 | Participates in the Battle of Derdriu as part of the Alliance army. |
After the battle, becomes an ally. |