Seteth's younger sister

Part I Casual
volume_upI must call it a day...
Part II Casual
volume_upI am sorry. I must retreat.
Part II Classic
volume_upMother...I will see you soon.
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upA bit disappointing...
volume_upI am maturing at a rapid pace.
volume_upI am only just beginning.
volume_upThey say experience feeds growth.
volume_upI feel my strength building.
volume_upMy potential has been reached!
Skill Level Up
volume_upWell worth the effort.
volume_upI understand more every day.
volume_upCommitted to memory.
Cooking Together
volume_upMy mother was an excellent cook. You would think such a talent would be hereditary.
volume_upA bit of this, a bit of that! This will make it all the tastier, do you not agree?
Choir Practice
volume_upIt is so much fun to sing with others!
volume_upI have succeeded!
volume_upNot quite there, hm?
Class Change
volume_upI am always up for a new adventure!
volume_upA new me? How momentous!
volume_upHow joyous!
volume_upI am eager to give this a go!
volume_upAre these garments in style?
volume_upI like the look of this.