Servant to the archbishop of the Church of Seiros

Part I Casual
volume_upI can't let Lady Rhea down. I just need to get a bit stronger...
Part II Casual
volume_upHow will I ever get strong enough...
Part II Classic
volume_upNot like this. I haven't repaid my debt to Lady Rhea.
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upWhat?! That's not good.
volume_upCould be better.
volume_upFeel like I grew up a little.
volume_upSeems I've improved again.
volume_upI feel...stronger.
volume_upI've gotten stronger, haven't I?
volume_upI'll keep it up.
volume_upThis still isn't good enough.
volume_upBet I can protect Lady Rhea now.
volume_upI'll use this power to protect Lady Rhea!
Skill Level Up
volume_upThis isn't so hard!
volume_upYeah! I'm getting it!
volume_upYeah, I'm doin' it!
volume_upFeeling pretty good about this.
volume_upI can really do this!
volume_upYeah. I understand now.
volume_upI get it now! No problem.
volume_upI really get it now.
Cooking Together
volume_upI don't really know how to cook, but I'll still help ya.
volume_upI've stoked the fire and stirred the pots and scrubbed the pans, but I've never done the cooking.
Choir Practice
volume_upI've never sung a song before, so I don't know if I'm good or bad at it.
Byleth Level 10-
volume_upI learned all sorts of things, so I can do as much as possible for Lady Rhea.
volume_upCleaning, chopping wood, making feed... Oh, and I'm learning the bow and arrow from Shamir!
volume_upI'm happy to help you out with anything you need done for your class.
volume_upYou betcha. I'm your guy, Professor.
volume_upSince, you know, you can't exactly add me to your class or anything.
volume_upThat's fine. I'm busy, anyway. Just thought I'd offer to help ya out.
volume_upI can be real helpful, ya know. So it's your loss!
volume_upThat cleaning kept me real busy... I better hurry to my next job.
volume_upOh, hey, Professor. Ya need something from me? I got a lot to do, so if it's not urgent, just find me later, OK?
volume_upI passed!
volume_upI passed!
volume_upI failed. But I worked hard, and that's what counts.
volume_upI failed. But I worked hard, and that's what counts.
Class Change
volume_upHope I'm cut out for this.
volume_upTime to get even stronger.
volume_upGuess I'll try it...
volume_upThis suits me.
volume_upWelp, I'll give it a shot.
volume_upNot sure about this, but I'll give it my best.