
volume_upI appreciate this.
volume_upOh, I adore this.
volume_upI will accept.
- Landscape Painting
A landscape painting of magnificent Lake Teutates in the clearing fog. Appreciated by those who enjoy nature or art. - Goddess Statuette
A beautiful wood carving of the goddess. Appreciated by those who like art or carving, and by devout believers. - Ancient Coin
A coin said to have been used as currency in ancient times. Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling, art, or coins.
- Exotic Spices
Spices from a land to the east of Almyra. Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling or cooking.
Lost Items
Given Item
volume_upYes, that is surely mine. I appreciate you bringing this to me.
volume_upThis is not mine, nor do I know who it belongs to.
Lost Items
- Elegant Hair Clip
An elegant white hair clip, likely belonging to someone with grace. A lovely gift for most anyone. - Seiros Scriptures
A book of old scriptures engraved with the Crest of Seiros. It probably belongs to someone affiliated with the church. - Faded Star Chart
A star chart that was created by the church. It probably belongs to someone who knows a lot about the stars.