Caspar von Bergliez
Second son of House Bergliez

Part I Casual
volume_upWhat? I lost? Not me. Never me...
Part II Casual
volume_upI'll get stronger...but for now, I'll retreat while I can.
Part II Classic
volume_upDon't blame yourself. It's my fault for being weak.
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upUgh, I'm stronger than this.
volume_upUgh, stepped in that one.
volume_upPretty good, don't ya think?
volume_upThat's a win for everyone.
volume_upNow I can do so much better!
volume_upThe results speak for themselves.
volume_upI'm just gettin' started!
volume_upAnd I'll keep getting stronger.
volume_upDoes this mean I'm the best?
volume_upThis is it? No way!
Skill Level Up
volume_upI'm getting it.
volume_upCan't let this power go unused.
volume_upLet's put this to the test.
volume_upLet's put this to the test.
volume_upAs long as it makes me stronger.
volume_upI think I'm improving!
volume_upTime to set my aims even higher!
volume_upThis'll help me walk my own path.
Cooking Together
volume_upAll right! Leave it to me! I'll fry it, grill it, and try not to burn it!
volume_upSorry for making you do all the work, Professor. I mess up the ingredients every time!
Choir Practice
volume_upYeah! I'll sing so loud that my voice is gonna reach the sky!
Name | Professor Level |
Strength | 10 |
Brawl | C |
volume_upYou know, Professor, I keep hearing good things about you.
volume_upI gotta admit, I'm curious. Wanna let me into your class?
volume_upAll right! That was easy enough!
volume_upCome on, we're gonna run this place!
volume_upWhat?! You don't think I'm good enough?
volume_upI'm never gonna get over this...
volume_upHey, Professor! Here to cause some trouble?
volume_upNo? Well, whatever then.
volume_upOh yeah! Nailed it!
volume_upOh yeah! Nailed it!
volume_upWhoa... I failed?!
volume_upWhoa... I failed?!
Class Change
volume_upFeels like me.
volume_upFeels like me.
volume_upAll kindsa ways to get strong!
volume_upI'll do what I gotta to achieve my goals.
volume_upCan't wait to try this out.
volume_upI'll use this power to shape my future!