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  • After defeating the Kingdom army and King Dimitri on the Tailtean Plains, Imperial forces set their sights on Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital. The final battle against Rhea draws near.

  • Etapa de transición


Antes de la batalla

  • The Imperial army arrives in Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital, only to be confronted by Rhea—who has transformed into the Immaculate One. The Black Eagle Strike Force steels itself for an epic battle, hoping to soon return Fódlan to its people.

  • La gran batalla final

Durante la batalla - La batalla de Fhirdiad

Tras la caída de Dimitri en las llanuras de Tailtean, Rhea decide replegarse en Fhirdiad, la capital del Reino, para resistir frente al empuje del escuadrón del Águila Negra. Tras cinco largos años, la guerra parece llegar a su fin.

Un mundo para la humanidad
This video is still missing audio-- we're working on it!
Se l'umanità è forte e le persone si aiutano a vicenda
gli dei non servono.
Rhea, la tua tirannia è finita.
È giunto il momento.
Porrò fine a tutto ciò una volta per tutte!
È... È finita?

Tras la batalla

  • A rising flame was alight as the flow of time carved a new history for Fódlan.

    With the fall of Fhirdiad, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Church of Seiros both vanished into the people's memories.

    Fódlan was finally one unified nation, under the rule of Emperor Edelgard and the Adrestian Empire.

    Embracing her newfound power, Edelgard could at last set about destroying Fódlan's entrenched system of nobility and rebuild a world free from the tyranny of Crests and status.

    Yet beneath the surface, an unseen and silent struggle began to take shape. From her seat of power, Edelgard could at last wage war on those who slither in the dark.