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  • The Kingdom army has reclaimed the Kingdom capital and plans to immediately begin restoring the country and its forces. But an unexpected request arrives from Claude, leader of the Leicester Alliance.

    Dimitri promptly responds to the request for aid, and he rushes to prepare the Kingdom's forces.



  • Having allowed the Imperial army to invade, the Alliance army makes their last stand at the center of House Riegan territory in Derdriu. The Kingdom army rushes to their aid after amassing more troops.

  • À la rescousse de l'Alliance

Combat - Derdriu en danger

Alors qu'il vient de reprendre Fhirdiad à l'ennemi, Dimitri reçoit un appel à l'aide de Claude. Déterminé à sauver l'Alliance sur le point de tomber, le groupe mène des renforts sur Derdriu, la capitale aquatique.
