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  • Having parted ways with Edelgard, former students of the Black Eagle House now work alongside the Knights of Seiros at Garreg Mach. They begin to create a resistance army strong enough to take on her Imperial forces.

Programma eventi

Prima della battaglia

  • Though preparations are still being made to raise troops for the resistance army at Garreg Mach, the Imperial army is already one step ahead.

    Anticipating the resistance army's actions, General Randolph and the Imperial vanguard under his command begin their advance toward Garreg Mach to reclaim the monastery.

Battaglia - Assedio al Garreg Mach

Tenendo fede alla promessa fatta cinque anni prima, gli studenti si radunano un'altra volta al monastero dove incontrano alcuni Cavalieri di Seiros. Ma il gioioso ritrovo viene presto interrotto...

Dopo la battaglia