The Cause of Sorrow
Explore - Chapter 9

I can't help but worry something might happen while we're all distracted... After all, our enemies are always plotting.

Still, this air of levity is much more agreeable than the grim atmosphere of late.

I can't help but worry something might happen while we're all distracted... After all, our enemies are always plotting.

Still, this air of levity is much more agreeable than the grim atmosphere of late.

I can't help but worry something might happen while we're all distracted... After all, our enemies are always plotting.

Still, this air of levity is much more agreeable than the grim atmosphere of late.

By the way, have you chosen our house's representative for the White Heron Cup?

If nobody else comes to mind, I'm willing to take up the challenge, Professor.

(Should I choose Edelgard as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

By the way, have you chosen our house's representative for the White Heron Cup?

If nobody else comes to mind, I'm willing to take up the challenge, Professor.

(Should I choose Edelgard as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Losing is never easy, even at something as insignificant as dance. I suppose I should have trained harder...

I can't help but worry something might happen while we're all distracted... After all, our enemies are always plotting.

Still, this air of levity is much more agreeable than the grim atmosphere of late.

I can't help but worry something might happen while we're all distracted... After all, our enemies are always plotting.

Still, this air of levity is much more agreeable than the grim atmosphere of late.

Monsters. Trampling mercilessly over innocent lives. They deserve a gruesome end...

Monsters. Trampling mercilessly over innocent lives. They deserve a gruesome end...

Monsters. Trampling mercilessly over innocent lives. They deserve a gruesome end...

I... I'm sorry. Please ignore my troubled ramblings. Was something the matter? Something to do with the White Heron Cup?

Professor, I beg of you. Please, do not choose me as our house representative. I am utterly serious.

(Should I choose Dimitri as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I... I'm sorry. Please ignore my troubled ramblings. Was something the matter? Something to do with the White Heron Cup?

Professor, I beg of you. Please, do not choose me as our house representative. I am utterly serious.

(Should I choose Dimitri as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I am in the thick of battle, so battle I must. Will you help me prepare, Professor?

How...was that? I perhaps did not offend as much as usual, but...I do not like our chances.

It was solely thanks to your patient instruction that we won, Professor. In all honestly, I'm still in a state of shock.

I knew it was beyond my reach. I am so sorry that I let us down, Professor...

Monsters. Trampling mercilessly over innocent lives. They deserve a gruesome end...

Monsters. Trampling mercilessly over innocent lives. They deserve a gruesome end...

Someone entered the old chapel... I think the townsfolk used it for feasts and such in the past.

Someone entered the old chapel... I think the townsfolk used it for feasts and such in the past.

Someone entered the old chapel... I think the townsfolk used it for feasts and such in the past.

Considering this recent rash of strange incidents, I wonder if having a ball is really the best idea...

And then there's the White Heron Cup. Sheesh. What poor sap are you enlisting to represent our house, Teach?

(Should I choose Claude as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Considering this recent rash of strange incidents, I wonder if having a ball is really the best idea...

And then there's the White Heron Cup. Sheesh. What poor sap are you enlisting to represent our house, Teach?

(Should I choose Claude as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Teach, this is all your doing. Step up and take responsibility. You've got to help me practice my dance moves.

My legs aren't as unwieldy as they were before, I think... If I keep this up, I might do not terribly.

Wow, I never thought I'd win a dance competition. I've clearly uncovered a hidden talent!

Well, at least you can't say it's unexpected. You're a brilliant strategist, Teach, but you really have no eye for dancing talent.

Someone entered the old chapel... I think the townsfolk used it for feasts and such in the past.

Someone entered the old chapel... I think the townsfolk used it for feasts and such in the past.


On a lighter note. I've heard you've yet to choose a class representative for the White Heron Cup.

It's not something I'm interested in, but if no one else wants to do it, then I will shoulder the burden.

(Should I choose Hubert as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

It's not something I'm interested in, but if no one else wants to do it, then I will shoulder the burden.

(Should I choose Hubert as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

To think I'd be rehearsing my dance moves, of all things. Give me some advice, Professor.

Ah, the ball. It reminds me of my first such event, back in the Imperial capital.

It was held by my father, the prime minister. I really showed off my dancing skills! Everyone was quite impressed with me.

Ah, the ball. It reminds me of my first such event, back in the Imperial capital.

It was held by my father, the prime minister. I really showed off my dancing skills! Everyone was quite impressed with me.

Ah, the ball. It reminds me of my first such event, back in the Imperial capital.

It was held by my father, the prime minister. I really showed off my dancing skills! Everyone was quite impressed with me.

(Should I choose Ferdinand as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

(Should I choose Ferdinand as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Professor, uh... Do you know how to dance? I could really use some guidance.

You really can do everything! I am envious of you, if you will pardon my frankness.

I thought this might happen. I am sorry I volunteered in the first place. You should have chosen Edelgard.

Ah, the ball. It reminds me of my first such event, back in the Imperial capital.

It was held by my father, the prime minister. I really showed off my dancing skills! Everyone was quite impressed with me.

Ah, the ball. It reminds me of my first such event, back in the Imperial capital.

It was held by my father, the prime minister. I really showed off my dancing skills! Everyone was quite impressed with me.

You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results.

But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what "all manner of experiments" might mean.

Urk... Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now.

You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results.

But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what "all manner of experiments" might mean.

Urk... Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now.

You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results.

But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what "all manner of experiments" might mean.

Urk... Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now.

Let us change the subject and settle my stomach. I assume you've heard about the dance competition?

Have you chosen a representative yet? Or... Oh my. You haven't, have you? Have you come to tell me I'm to be it?

(Should I choose Linhardt as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Have you chosen a representative yet? Or... Oh my. You haven't, have you? Have you come to tell me I'm to be it?

(Should I choose Linhardt as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I don't enjoy a bit of this, you know. Entirely too much standing up and moving around for my taste. But if I'm going to do it, I may as well be in it to win.

I see... Well, that's just fine by me. There's a book on fishing that I'd like to finish.

I don't enjoy a bit of this, you know. Entirely too much standing up and moving around for my taste. But if I'm going to do it, I may as well be in it to win.

Although I was against the whole endeavor, I must be honest and say that I am quite pleased that I won. But I won't do anything like this again, thank you.

I suspected this might be the end result. Uh... All that time I could have been reading...or fishing... or napping...or...

You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results.

But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what "all manner of experiments" might mean.

Urk... Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now.

You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results.

But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what "all manner of experiments" might mean.

Urk... Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now.

I can't stand the thought of such evil lurking in the world. We have to do something about this! I have to do something about this!

I can't stand the thought of such evil lurking in the world. We have to do something about this! I have to do something about this!

I can't stand the thought of such evil lurking in the world. We have to do something about this! I have to do something about this!

Ugh. Sorry about that, Professor. I'm just so frustrated right now. I need something to take my mind off things.

That reminds me! If you're looking for a volunteer, I'd be happy to represent our class in the White Heron Cup. I'm an excellent dancer.

(Should I choose Caspar as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Ugh. Sorry about that, Professor. I'm just so frustrated right now. I need something to take my mind off things.

That reminds me! If you're looking for a volunteer, I'd be happy to represent our class in the White Heron Cup. I'm an excellent dancer.

(Should I choose Caspar as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I actually lost? I can't believe this. Now I feel even worse than I did before...

I can't stand the thought of such evil lurking in the world. We have to do something about this! I have to do something about this!

I can't stand the thought of such evil lurking in the world. We have to do something about this! I have to do something about this!

The other nobles will be fine, I'm sure. They've all been to events like this before.

The other nobles will be fine, I'm sure. They've all been to events like this before.

The other nobles will be fine, I'm sure. They've all been to events like this before.

What is a White Heron Cup, anyway? Wh-what?! A dance competition? That's terrifying!

W-we need a representative for our class? Please, anyone but Bernie!

(Should I choose Bernadetta as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

What is a White Heron Cup, anyway? Wh-what?! A dance competition? That's terrifying!

W-we need a representative for our class? Please, anyone but Bernie!

(Should I choose Bernadetta as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Is this your idea of an education? Clip my wings and toss me off a cliff?!

Who would've thought I'd have a talent for dancing? Heh-heh... Aw, this actually feels nice.

The other nobles will be fine, I'm sure. They've all been to events like this before.

The other nobles will be fine, I'm sure. They've all been to events like this before.


I wonder if Remire Village will ever be the same again. How do you recover from such a terrible event?

So many dead, so much destroyed... I can't see how the whole village doesn't just end up abandoned.

Our class was also sent out to help put the village in order. But then...

I wonder if Remire Village will ever be the same again. How do you recover from such a terrible event?

So many dead, so much destroyed... I can't see how the whole village doesn't just end up abandoned.

Our class was also sent out to help put the village in order. But then...

I wonder if Remire Village will ever be the same again. How do you recover from such a terrible event?

So many dead, so much destroyed... I can't see how the whole village doesn't just end up abandoned.

Our class was also sent out to help put the village in order. But then...

I'm sorry, Professor. I'm talking about such grim and terrible things when we could be talking about the White Heron Cup.

It's a big dance contest between the classes, and I simply adore dancing. I'm quite good at it, since I was a diva in an opera company, you know.

(Should I choose Dorothea as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I'm sorry, Professor. I'm talking about such grim and terrible things when we could be talking about the White Heron Cup.

It's a big dance contest between the classes, and I simply adore dancing. I'm quite good at it, since I was a diva in an opera company, you know.

(Should I choose Dorothea as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Hey, Professor. You're here to help me practice for the dance contest?

How was that? Was my dancing everything you hoped for and more? I certainly enjoyed it. We simply must do it again. Soon.

We did it! I couldn't be happier, Professor. I loved dancing in front of an audience again.

Ugh. What a letdown... I'm gonna go find a hole to hide in and not come out for a few weeks.

I wonder if Remire Village will ever be the same again. How do you recover from such a terrible event?

So many dead, so much destroyed... I can't see how the whole village doesn't just end up abandoned.

Our class was also sent out to help put the village in order. But then...

I wonder if Remire Village will ever be the same again. How do you recover from such a terrible event?

So many dead, so much destroyed... I can't see how the whole village doesn't just end up abandoned.

Our class was also sent out to help put the village in order. But then...

Dancing of Fódlan is not the same as dancing from Brigid. The reason is maybe that the music has many differences.

In Brigid, dancing is different for each person. Our dancing has vigor and ferocity. There is no speech of technique for our dancing.

Dancing of Fódlan is not the same as dancing from Brigid. The reason is maybe that the music has many differences.

In Brigid, dancing is different for each person. Our dancing has vigor and ferocity. There is no speech of technique for our dancing.

Dancing of Fódlan is not the same as dancing from Brigid. The reason is maybe that the music has many differences.

In Brigid, dancing is different for each person. Our dancing has vigor and ferocity. There is no speech of technique for our dancing.

Are you choosing me to represent at the White Heron Cup? Or are you not?

(Should I choose Petra as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Are you choosing me to represent at the White Heron Cup? Or are you not?

(Should I choose Petra as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I have now much more knowledge of Fódlan dance. How is my dancing, Professor?

I have grabbed victory! I give gratitude for your great teachings, Professor!

I have had failure. I did not work with enough hardness. I feel a large shame.

Dancing of Fódlan is not the same as dancing from Brigid. The reason is maybe that the music has many differences.

In Brigid, dancing is different for each person. Our dancing has vigor and ferocity. There is no speech of technique for our dancing.

Dancing of Fódlan is not the same as dancing from Brigid. The reason is maybe that the music has many differences.

In Brigid, dancing is different for each person. Our dancing has vigor and ferocity. There is no speech of technique for our dancing.

Incidentally, I have heard there will be a dance competition prior to the ball.

(Should I choose Dedue as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Incidentally, I have heard there will be a dance competition prior to the ball.

(Should I choose Dedue as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

More than anything else, I am pleased not to bring dishonor to His Highness—or to you, Professor.

The librarian betrayed us. The Death Knight is back. Is this the time to be throwing a ball?

The librarian betrayed us. The Death Knight is back. Is this the time to be throwing a ball?

The librarian betrayed us. The Death Knight is back. Is this the time to be throwing a ball?

Ah, whatever. What's on your mind? You look like you're about to say something.

Are you considering me as our representative for the White Heron Cup? Heh.

(Should I choose Felix as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Ah, whatever. What's on your mind? You look like you're about to say something.

Are you considering me as our representative for the White Heron Cup? Heh.

(Should I choose Felix as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Here, help me practice my dancing. You forced me into this, so you're going to help me.

The librarian betrayed us. The Death Knight is back. Is this the time to be throwing a ball?

The librarian betrayed us. The Death Knight is back. Is this the time to be throwing a ball?

Last month was— Well, you know even better than I do. I hope this one will be more cheerful.

Last month was— Well, you know even better than I do. I hope this one will be more cheerful.

Last month was— Well, you know even better than I do. I hope this one will be more cheerful.

But speaking of the ball, isn't there something happening just before it? The White...Heron... something?

It sounds like every class needs a representative. Have you picked ours yet?

(Should I choose Ashe as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

But speaking of the ball, isn't there something happening just before it? The White...Heron... something?

It sounds like every class needs a representative. Have you picked ours yet?

(Should I choose Ashe as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I've been practicing as best I can, Professor, but do you think you could give me a little help?

Was that all right? I'm completely self-taught, so I really have no idea.

I really won?! I can't believe it! Oh, Lonato, I wish you could have seen me!

I definitely wasn't cut out for this. I'm so sorry to let you down, Professor.

Last month was— Well, you know even better than I do. I hope this one will be more cheerful.

Last month was— Well, you know even better than I do. I hope this one will be more cheerful.


Great work in Remire Village, Professor. Who would have ever guessed it was Tomas?

Great work in Remire Village, Professor. Who would have ever guessed it was Tomas?

Great work in Remire Village, Professor. Who would have ever guessed it was Tomas?

(Should I choose Sylvain as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

(Should I choose Sylvain as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Oh, Professor! I'm glad you're here. I need help figuring out this whole...dancing thing. Mind helping me?

Check me out! All I needed was the attention of a few girls and boom! It's like I've been dancing my whole life.

Yeesh... I really thought I could pull it off. Maybe it was a lack of practice...

Great work in Remire Village, Professor. Who would have ever guessed it was Tomas?

Great work in Remire Village, Professor. Who would have ever guessed it was Tomas?


The ball is soon and she hadn't even put on any makeup! I was trying to help her out.

The ball is soon and she hadn't even put on any makeup! I was trying to help her out.

The ball is soon and she hadn't even put on any makeup! I was trying to help her out.

While we're on the subject of the ball, what's this I hear about a dance competition?

Physical activity isn't my forte, but dancing can be fun! If there's no one else you'd rather select, I'm happy to represent our class.

(Should I choose Mercedes as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

While we're on the subject of the ball, what's this I hear about a dance competition?

Physical activity isn't my forte, but dancing can be fun! If there's no one else you'd rather select, I'm happy to represent our class.

(Should I choose Mercedes as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Oh, Professor? Do you mind watching my dance routine? I would appreciate your honest opinion.

Oh! My goodness! I actually won! I'm so glad you had faith in me, Professor!

I'm sorry that I didn't win, Professor. You put your faith in me and I let you down...

The ball is soon and she hadn't even put on any makeup! I was trying to help her out.

The ball is soon and she hadn't even put on any makeup! I was trying to help her out.

C'mon, self. You're better than this. You promised you'd be on top of things this month.

C'mon, self. You're better than this. You promised you'd be on top of things this month.

C'mon, self. You're better than this. You promised you'd be on top of things this month.

After all, we have the ball to look forward to, and the White Heron Cup before that!

Oh, speaking of, have you chosen our house representative yet? If not, I'd like to volunteer!

(Should I choose Annette as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

After all, we have the ball to look forward to, and the White Heron Cup before that!

Oh, speaking of, have you chosen our house representative yet? If not, I'd like to volunteer!

(Should I choose Annette as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Professor! Would you watch me dance really quick? I've been practicing a ton!

Mwahaha! Well? What do you think? I'd say I'm pretty great. Wouldn't you?

C'mon, self. You're better than this. You promised you'd be on top of things this month.

C'mon, self. You're better than this. You promised you'd be on top of things this month.

She was slathering pounds of makeup onto my face. Saying something or other about the ball. It really wore me out...

She was slathering pounds of makeup onto my face. Saying something or other about the ball. It really wore me out...

She was slathering pounds of makeup onto my face. Saying something or other about the ball. It really wore me out...

Have you sorted out who will represent our class, Professor? It's not me, is it? Please don't say it's me...

(Should I choose Ingrid as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Have you sorted out who will represent our class, Professor? It's not me, is it? Please don't say it's me...

(Should I choose Ingrid as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Professor, I admit—I have two left feet when it comes to dancing. Do you have time to give me any pointers?

I'm sorry, Professor. My two left feet were especially problematic, after all.

She was slathering pounds of makeup onto my face. Saying something or other about the ball. It really wore me out...

She was slathering pounds of makeup onto my face. Saying something or other about the ball. It really wore me out...

Ah. The long-awaited ball. Finally, an opportunity to showcase my exquisite skills on the dance floor.

These skills were ingrained in me when I was a boy. My hands and feet move on pure instinct.

Ah. The long-awaited ball. Finally, an opportunity to showcase my exquisite skills on the dance floor.

These skills were ingrained in me when I was a boy. My hands and feet move on pure instinct.

Ah. The long-awaited ball. Finally, an opportunity to showcase my exquisite skills on the dance floor.

These skills were ingrained in me when I was a boy. My hands and feet move on pure instinct.

From what I hear, the White Heron Cup will be held just prior to the ball.

Say no more, Professor. I would consider it an honor to represent our class!

(Should I choose Lorenz as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

From what I hear, the White Heron Cup will be held just prior to the ball.

Say no more, Professor. I would consider it an honor to represent our class!

(Should I choose Lorenz as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Rehearsals will not be necessary. But, if you insist, I can give you a small taste of what is to come.

Well, Professor? Are these not the most exquisitely refined moves you have ever witnessed?

It was a foregone conclusion! Am I or am I not Lorenz Hellman Gloucester?

To think I would suffer such a defeat at dancing. My father is liable to disinherit me.

Ah. The long-awaited ball. Finally, an opportunity to showcase my exquisite skills on the dance floor.

These skills were ingrained in me when I was a boy. My hands and feet move on pure instinct.

Ah. The long-awaited ball. Finally, an opportunity to showcase my exquisite skills on the dance floor.

These skills were ingrained in me when I was a boy. My hands and feet move on pure instinct.

I can't wait to fill up on food while everyone's dancing. I even heard there'll be some prime cuts of meat!

I can't wait to fill up on food while everyone's dancing. I even heard there'll be some prime cuts of meat!

I can't wait to fill up on food while everyone's dancing. I even heard there'll be some prime cuts of meat!

Apparently there's supposed to be a dance contest too. I think it's called the White Heron Cup.

Who's gonna represent our class? I can do it if you haven't picked someone else!

(Should I choose Raphael as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Apparently there's supposed to be a dance contest too. I think it's called the White Heron Cup.

Who's gonna represent our class? I can do it if you haven't picked someone else!

(Should I choose Raphael as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Winning was even easier than I expected! And did you hear the crowd? They loved me!

I thought the point of dancing was to make people laugh! Oh well, maybe I'll win next time.

I can't wait to fill up on food while everyone's dancing. I even heard there'll be some prime cuts of meat!

I can't wait to fill up on food while everyone's dancing. I even heard there'll be some prime cuts of meat!

Some scary things have been happening lately. I hope that this month, of all months, is peaceful.

The ball is coming up and everything... Although I'm not much of a dancer actually.

Some scary things have been happening lately. I hope that this month, of all months, is peaceful.

The ball is coming up and everything... Although I'm not much of a dancer actually.

Some scary things have been happening lately. I hope that this month, of all months, is peaceful.

The ball is coming up and everything... Although I'm not much of a dancer actually.

I've heard people talk about the White Heron Cup. Do you know who will be representing us?

(Should I choose Ignatz as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Some scary things have been happening lately. I hope that this month, of all months, is peaceful.

The ball is coming up and everything... Although I'm not much of a dancer actually.

(Should I choose Ignatz as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Some scary things have been happening lately. I hope that this month, of all months, is peaceful.

The ball is coming up and everything... Although I'm not much of a dancer actually.

Some scary things have been happening lately. I hope that this month, of all months, is peaceful.

The ball is coming up and everything... Although I'm not much of a dancer actually.

It's true that Tomas was employed here under the recommendation of House Ordelia.

But that's all I know of the topic. I'd never even seen him prior to enrolling here.

I'm still feeling bothered by all of this, but...there's not much else I can say about it right now.

It's true that Tomas was employed here under the recommendation of House Ordelia.

But that's all I know of the topic. I'd never even seen him prior to enrolling here.

I'm still feeling bothered by all of this, but...there's not much else I can say about it right now.

It's true that Tomas was employed here under the recommendation of House Ordelia.

But that's all I know of the topic. I'd never even seen him prior to enrolling here.

I'm still feeling bothered by all of this, but...there's not much else I can say about it right now.

Right... It's the dance this month, isn't it? I can't see how anyone would be much in the mood for dancing, considering...

(Should I choose Lysithea as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Right... It's the dance this month, isn't it? I can't see how anyone would be much in the mood for dancing, considering...

(Should I choose Lysithea as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Professor, can you supervise my dance rehearsal? If I'm going to do this, I want to win it.

Well? How was I? I figure if I dance with passion and fervor, I'll appear even more mature.

I'm so sorry I lost. You put faith in my abilities, and now I've let you down...

It's true that Tomas was employed here under the recommendation of House Ordelia.

But that's all I know of the topic. I'd never even seen him prior to enrolling here.

I'm still feeling bothered by all of this, but...there's not much else I can say about it right now.

It's true that Tomas was employed here under the recommendation of House Ordelia.

But that's all I know of the topic. I'd never even seen him prior to enrolling here.

I'm still feeling bothered by all of this, but...there's not much else I can say about it right now.

There's a dance contest as well? I see. I'll cheer for our class, of course.

(Should I choose Marianne as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

There's a dance contest as well? I see. I'll cheer for our class, of course.

(Should I choose Marianne as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Did you need something, Professor? I suppose I should p-practice, right?

I...I still can't believe it. How could someone like me have possibly won?

I'm sorry that I couldn't do better. I doubt you had high expectations anyway...

You're choosing the representative for the dance contest, isn't that right? Choose me! I'm a pro!

(Should I choose Hilda as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

(Should I choose Hilda as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Professor, I did it! I'm so happy I think I may literally start to glow!

I'm glad the Remire Village situation got sorted out. But it's not over yet, is it?

And I can't believe old Tomas turned out to be an enemy. Who can you trust anymore?

I'm glad the Remire Village situation got sorted out. But it's not over yet, is it?

And I can't believe old Tomas turned out to be an enemy. Who can you trust anymore?

I'm glad the Remire Village situation got sorted out. But it's not over yet, is it?

And I can't believe old Tomas turned out to be an enemy. Who can you trust anymore?

The ball? Doesn't matter. I don't dance. I might show up for the food though.

Not that it's got anything to do with me, but have you picked someone to represent us for the White Heron Cup yet?

(Should I choose Leonie as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Not that it's got anything to do with me, but have you picked someone to represent us for the White Heron Cup yet?

(Should I choose Leonie as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I'm going to have to do this in front of a crowd? I can feel myself going pale already.

Seriously? I won? Maybe I should drop the mercenary idea and take up a life of dancing!

Aw, just when I started to think I had a chance. Dancing turned out to be pretty fun, once I tried it.

I'm glad the Remire Village situation got sorted out. But it's not over yet, is it?

And I can't believe old Tomas turned out to be an enemy. Who can you trust anymore?

I'm glad the Remire Village situation got sorted out. But it's not over yet, is it?

And I can't believe old Tomas turned out to be an enemy. Who can you trust anymore?

Hello, Professor! The ball will soon be upon us. Ah, I can feel my heart fluttering already!

Hello, Professor! The ball will soon be upon us. Ah, I can feel my heart fluttering already!

Hello, Professor! The ball will soon be upon us. Ah, I can feel my heart fluttering already!

If you have yet to choose a representative, do you mind terribly if I volunteer?

(Should I choose Flayn as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

If you have yet to choose a representative, do you mind terribly if I volunteer?

(Should I choose Flayn as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Yes? Do you need me for anything, Professor? I would be happy for some dancing guidance, should you have any!

Oh no... We lost. I do hope I made good progress with my dance technique though.

Hello, Professor! The ball will soon be upon us. Ah, I can feel my heart fluttering already!

Hello, Professor! The ball will soon be upon us. Ah, I can feel my heart fluttering already!


Why, 995 years ago as a matter of fact. That's rather a long time ago, don't you think?

Every year, a ball is held to celebrate the founding. And every one hundred years, a very special celebration takes place.

It's a grand festival, involving all of Garreg Mach. It is thrilling to read of past festivals, and I'm rather excited to experience one for myself.

Once in a lifetime, eh? The next one, in five years, will mark a millennium. Should be quite an event. Do you imagine you'll still be here teaching then?

I can't bear it. Young love is wasted on the young. They can't appreciate it to its fullest! Ugh, I wish I could fall in love too...

I can't bear it. Young love is wasted on the young. They can't appreciate it to its fullest! Ugh, I wish I could fall in love too...

Oh! Speaking of the ball, Professor, have you selected your representative for the dance contest yet?

If you don't, the contest will go on without your house. And that would be...embarrassing.

I hear you've chosen your representative for the White Heron Cup. In that case, a word of advice.

It seems the winning contestant's charm is usually around %d.

Charm is important, wouldn't you agree? Who wants a partner with no charm? Not me. Do your best, make sure to put in the practice, and good luck.

I can't bear it. Young love is wasted on the young. They can't appreciate it to its fullest! Ugh, I wish I could fall in love too...

I was at a village's harvest festival. There was a full moon bathing everything in its cool glow.

Hah! The "full moon" thing was an embellishment, I admit. But you can forgive a man for waxing poetic, can't you? Anyway...

We soon fell in love and tied the knot. Now we have a daughter, who's as bright and beautiful as a sunny morning.

So, whenever I see people dancing, I think of my wife, and my heart does a little waltz.

It was at risk of collapse, so they didn't even post guards. It's not too strange.

Does that surprise you? Eh, Garreg Mach has lots of places that are blocked off for one reason or another.

People call it the sealed forest, but as far as I can tell, it's nothing special. Just a forest.

It's an event for students, but it does pique the interest of some knights in particular.

It's an event for students, but it does pique the interest of some knights in particular.

It's an event for students, but it does pique the interest of some knights in particular.

Before the ball, it is customary that we host a competition of dance known as the White Heron Cup. The students are quite fond of this tradition.

Each house must select a representative to compete. Their dance shall be judged by its beauty, grace, and technique.

The student who is deemed the winner will be given the opportunity to train as a dancer, should they so please.

It is a very precious thing, the gift of dance. I hope that you and your students will choose to participate.

This can only be a result of the students' talent and effort, not to mention your steadfast instruction.

With the White Heron Cup concluded, all that is left is to wait for the ball. I hope you will find it enjoyable.

It has come to my attention that you did not participate in the White Heron Cup. Were none of your students skilled in dance?

With the White Heron Cup concluded, all that is left is to wait for the ball. I hope you will find it enjoyable.

Ah, other than the legend of the Goddess Tower, of course. Have you heard the students talking about it?

If a man and a woman go to the Goddess Tower and make a wish, it's sure to come true! I have a wish, but I can't find anybody to make it with me...
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

The whole village...burned to the ground. So many were left without even a home to return to.

Thankfully, Her Grace, the archbishop, has invited those who lost everything to stay at Garreg Mach.

I pray that they will be able to return to their once-peaceful lives as soon as possible...

Until that day, we of the church must join together and do all that we can to help them rebuild.
Knight of Seiros

This is a rare opportunity to enjoy yourself. Please, leave everything else to us. The Remire Village incident, the search for Tomas... We have it handled.

It's for the good of everyone, don't you think? If the professors walk around in a state of distress, the students will be uneasy too.

Legend has it that long ago a female student from the academy met with a mysterious man at the Goddess Tower.

They fell in love at first sight and were bound together forever after... But that's not the really interesting part.

What I wouldn't give to fall in love at first sight with a splendid and powerful gentleman! I want my own fairytale romance, and I want it now!

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

Not even the tragedy in Remire Village will stop the surface dwellers from getting jazzed about a party.

I get that they're probably seeking a distraction, but it still feels pretty damn selfish if you ask me.

Not even the tragedy in Remire Village will stop the surface dwellers from getting jazzed about a party.

I get that they're probably seeking a distraction, but it still feels pretty damn selfish if you ask me.

Ha, gotta keep things upbeat, I suppose. Sorry for grousing. It just got me down is all.

So? Did you need something? Don't tell me you want me in on that whole "cup" business.

(Should I choose Yuri as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Not even the tragedy in Remire Village will stop the surface dwellers from getting jazzed about a party.

I get that they're probably seeking a distraction, but it still feels pretty damn selfish if you ask me.

Ha, gotta keep things upbeat, I suppose. Sorry for grousing. It just got me down is all.

So? Did you need something? Don't tell me you want me in on that whole "cup" business.

(Should I choose Yuri as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

So? Did you need something? Don't tell me you want me in on that whole "cup" business.

(Should I choose Yuri as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

The least you can do is practice some moves with me, since you insist on roping me into this, yeah?

That was easier than I anticipated. So glad that's all over and done with.

Not even the tragedy in Remire Village will stop the surface dwellers from getting jazzed about a party.

I get that they're probably seeking a distraction, but it still feels pretty damn selfish if you ask me.

Ha, gotta keep things upbeat, I suppose. Sorry for grousing. It just got me down is all.


Ah, you're that new teacher everyone's been yapping about. And look younger than me. Weird.

The ball really brings back memories. Heh, had some wild times back when I was first enrolled here.

Ladies used to line up around the block for a chance to dance with the Debonair King of Grappling.

The ball really brings back memories. Heh, had some wild times back when I was first enrolled here.

Ladies used to line up around the block for a chance to dance with the Debonair King of Grappling.

The ball really brings back memories. Heh, had some wild times back when I was first enrolled here.

Ladies used to line up around the block for a chance to dance with the Debonair King of Grappling.

The ball really brings back memories. Heh, had some wild times back when I was first enrolled here.

Ladies used to line up around the block for a chance to dance with the Debonair King of Grappling.

The ball really brings back memories. Heh, had some wild times back when I was first enrolled here.

Ladies used to line up around the block for a chance to dance with the Debonair King of Grappling.

The ball really brings back memories. Heh, had some wild times back when I was first enrolled here.

Ladies used to line up around the block for a chance to dance with the Debonair King of Grappling.

Huh? The White Heron Cup? That' Guessing you're looking to sign me up, yeah?

Thanks, but no thanks, pal. Gotta save myself for the battlefield and all. You know how it goes.

(Should I choose Balthus as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Huh? The White Heron Cup? That' Guessing you're looking to sign me up, yeah?

Thanks, but no thanks, pal. Gotta save myself for the battlefield and all. You know how it goes.

(Should I choose Balthus as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Hey, pal. Let's practice brawl... Er, ballroom dancing, yeah? It's been a while since the king hit the floor.

Was that...good? Or too smooth? Should I flex more? Ya know, for extra points?

Ha! The king reigns supreme! I'd be thrilled if this weren't a prance-around-like-an-idiot contest. Ah well. A win's a win.

Well, there goes my chance at being crowned the king of prancing around like an idiot.

Oh...but of course. You must be the new teacher specially appointed by Lady Rhea. That is it, yes?

Rumors have been flying underground about you. Well, then! I am Constance von Nuvelle.

What could I possibly do at a formal ball? I've no status, and I'm not much of a dancer.

What could I possibly do at a formal ball? I've no status, and I'm not much of a dancer.

What could I possibly do at a formal ball? I've no status, and I'm not much of a dancer.

What could I possibly do at a formal ball? I've no status, and I'm not much of a dancer.

What could I possibly do at a formal ball? I've no status, and I'm not much of a dancer.

What could I possibly do at a formal ball? I've no status, and I'm not much of a dancer.

I hear that there is to be an elegant dance contest known as the White Heron Cup.

Though I have no more familiarity with dance than any young noblewoman would.

(Should I choose Constance as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I hear that there is to be an elegant dance contest known as the White Heron Cup.

Though I have no more familiarity with dance than any young noblewoman would.

(Should I choose Constance as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

They tell me that you can teach proper dancing form. Do you suppose that I could learn?

I am grateful that you would devote your time to mending my spotty reputation.

Oh... How did I come to win? Did the others eat something that disagreed with them?

Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right.

They do a good thing every once in a while, I guess. I just hope none of those kids get locked away for stepping out of line.

They do a good thing every once in a while, I guess. I just hope none of those kids get locked away for stepping out of line.

They do a good thing every once in a while, I guess. I just hope none of those kids get locked away for stepping out of line.

They do a good thing every once in a while, I guess. I just hope none of those kids get locked away for stepping out of line.

They do a good thing every once in a while, I guess. I just hope none of those kids get locked away for stepping out of line.

They do a good thing every once in a while, I guess. I just hope none of those kids get locked away for stepping out of line.

Hm? You want me to join the White Heron Cup? Um... Dancing's really not my thing.

Neither are competitions, for that matter. You can probably guess what happens when I lose.

(Should I choose Hapi as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

Hm? You want me to join the White Heron Cup? Um... Dancing's really not my thing.

Neither are competitions, for that matter. You can probably guess what happens when I lose.

(Should I choose Hapi as our house representative in the White Heron Cup dance contest...)

I know I'm bad at this, but you're not allowed to get frustrated. Got it?

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Mr. Backup doesn't come by anymore—which is fine. Not incredibly rude or anything. Nope. Juuuust fine.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.
Mysterious Woman

They are thinking I am the follower of an evil god. It is not so, but they are not understanding.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?