Balthus von Albrecht
Former heir to House Albrecht, a minor Alliance house

Part I Casual
volume_upCould be worse, but...looks like my fun's over.
Part II Casual
volume_upThis round may be over, but I'll get you next time!
Part II Classic
volume_upAfter all this time... It turns out I'm the king... of dying...
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upEh, that's life.
volume_upEh, that's life.
volume_upAll that blood and sweat was worth it.
volume_upAmazing what a little bloodshed can do.
volume_upThe stronger, the better.
volume_upThe stronger, the better.
volume_upCan't wait for my next brawl.
volume_upMy arms can't get much bigger!
volume_upThe king has been crowned!
volume_upI'm practically a god now.
Skill Level Up
volume_upI've still got room to grow.
volume_upPractice makes perfect and all that.
volume_upAh... I finally get it.
volume_upAh... I finally get it.
volume_upI'm a well-oiled machine.
volume_upCan't wait to get back out there.
volume_upGotta focus up.
volume_upNow I'm indestructible!
Cooking Together
volume_upThanks for the invite. Looks like the grub is well underway.
volume_upDon't worry about the presentation. Just plop it down and eat it up, yeah?
Choir Practice
volume_upI'm not good, but I'm loud. You might wanna run for cover.
Name | Professor Level |
Strength | 15 |
Brawl | C |
volume_upDon't beat around the bush, pal. You want my help, yeah? Can't blame ya.
volume_upLook, I get it. You're the new professor. You've got a lot on your plate. You need backup? I'm your guy.
volume_upFine, you've talked me into it! But I'm gonna need you to sweeten the deal, if you catch my drift...
volume_upBeautiful! Now, about that sweetening...
volume_upI'll need to attend your classes whenever the mood strikes. I get bored from time to time, all cooped up.
volume_upNot willing to budge an inch, that right? Fine. Your loss.
volume_upYou'll come around, just wait and see. We're fated to watch each other's backs.
volume_upDon't beat around the bush, pal. You want my help, yeah? Can't blame ya.
volume_upI get it. If I were you, I'd want to recruit me too. But you're not ready for me. Come back when you are.
volume_upWas there ever any doubt?
volume_upWas there ever any doubt?
volume_upIs this a joke?!
volume_upIs this a joke?!
Class Change
volume_upWell this is different.
volume_upSo long as I can still rumble, fine by me.
volume_upHeh, I could get used to this.
volume_upThe ladies will go wild over this.
volume_upLike what you see, yeah?
volume_upYou picked the right man for the job.