Balthus von Albrecht
Former heir to House Albrecht, a minor Alliance house

Balthus (Solo)
Balthus disappeared shortly after the war, but rumors of his exploits swirled for a long time thereafter. Some say he returned to Kupala, where he became a protector of the mountain folk. Others say he remained right under Garreg Mach's nose as a prominent underworld figure. Whatever the truth, the tale of his domination in the first- ever All-Fódlan Tournament Brawl is likely too persistent to be a fabrication.
Balthus (Solo)
After the war for Fódlan, Balthus whole-heartedly joined the battle against those who slither in the dark. The devastation he wrought in the Battle of Shambhala was immortalized in a tapestry, entitled "Avatar of War," and passed down through the generations. Afterward, it is said he returned to Kupala and became a protector of the mountain folk.
Byleth (Female) & Balthus
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth announced her marriage to Balthus. The people were reluctant to accept this union at first, considering his reputation, but his natural charisma in speeches and his ability to exceed expectations eventually won their blessing. Though mostly noted for his strength and dedication as a bodyguard, Balthus also provided counsel. It is said that many civil and diplomatic reforms owe their origins to his advice.
Byleth (Female) & Balthus
After taking her place as the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced her marriage to Balthus. The people were reluctant to accept this union at first, considering his reputation, but his natural charisma in speeches and his ability to exceed expectations eventually won their blessing. Though mostly noted for his strength and dedication as a bodyguard, Balthus also provided counsel. It is said that many civil and diplomatic reforms owe their origins to his advice.
Byleth (Female) & Balthus
Almost as soon as Byleth and Balthus finished their lively wedding celebration, the battle with those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Leading from the front lines, the couple drove the enemy back again and again, causing such carnage on the battlefield that even their Imperial allies and subordinates were intimidated. After hostilities came to an end, their names faded from official historical records but persisted in folk tales. Of the stories that spread to every corner of Fódlan and survive to this day, the most prominent one features criminals who threaten to abduct a traveler's wife. The traveler laughs and wishes them the best of luck.
Yuri & Balthus
After the war, Yuri returned to the underworld. Some time after assuming control of the illicit markets, he happened upon Balthus, who had become so down on his luck that he had collapsed in an alley. Yuri helped Balthus back to his feet and offered him work as a bodyguard. While Balthus first accepted just to get by, he came to enjoy the lifestyle so much that he remained at Yuri's side for the rest of his days. The underworld kingpin and the Indomitable King of Grappling made such an impression on the world that their names were feared for centuries.
Balthus & Constance
For her service in war, and her innovations in magic, Constance von Nuvelle was among the first to receive peerage in the new Fódlan. The very next day, she and Balthus were wed, and the couple set about the restoration of House Nuvelle. For their domain, they claimed not the land once ruled by that house, but rather an area in the east of Leicester that encompassed Kupala. There, they became known as advocates for the mountain folk, and as nobles who lived moment to moment as outlandishly as they pleased.
Balthus & Constance
After the war, Balthus and Constance joined the battle against those who slither in the dark. The devastation they wrought in Shambhala was immortalized in a tapestry, entitled "Avatars of War," which preserved their legacy for generations. Afterward, the two were married. Constance was among the first to receive peerage from Emperor Edelgard, and though Balthus sometimes chafed from being at the mercy of his wife's whims, the couple worked diligently to solidify the new social order under Imperial rule. House Nuvelle was given no guarantee of continued power on a hereditary basis but nevertheless achieved lasting status as a leader in the magical arts.
Balthus & Hapi
Shortly after the war, Hapi and Balthus disappeared. Their absence from the world stage was not lasting, however, as before long they emerged as the leaders of an elite band of mercenaries. The group traveled all over Fódlan helping those in need, with a noted specialty in handling monsters. It is said that these mercenaries lived raucously, laughing often, and that not a single sigh of discontent was ever heard. Some years later, when those who slither in the dark returned to threaten Fódlan once again, these mercenaries were instrumental in dealing with them.
Balthus & Hapi
Shortly after the war, Hapi and Balthus disappeared. Their absence from the world stage was not lasting, however, as before long they emerged as the leaders of an elite band of mercenaries. The group traveled all over Fódlan helping those in need, with a noted specialty in handling monsters. It is said that these mercenaries lived raucously, laughing often, and that not a single sigh of discontent was ever heard. Some time later, when those who slither in the dark threatened Fódlan, it is rumored that these mercenaries were instrumental in dealing with them.
Balthus & Claude
Perhaps unexpectedly, Balthus accompanied Claude upon his return to his homeland of Almyra. While Claude assumed the role of a politically active prince, Balthus spent his days drinking, flirting, and brawling. As soon as Claude inherited the throne, however, all that changed. In the blink of an eye, Balthus became son-in-law to the great commander, Nader, and took up a position of military command in service to Claude's stated goal to improve relations with Fódlan. To foster trust, Claude frequently sent Balthus into Fódlan on missions to help quell revolts begun by Imperial loyalists.
Balthus & Hilda
Most of Balthus's debts vanished in the chaos after the war, and those few that remained were paid off with what he had earned in the fighting. Free to do as he pleased, he sought out Hilda, and the two of them went on an adventure around the world. Crossing Fódlan's Throat, they journeyed through and beyond Almyra, where they are said to have found a kingdom of gold in the far east. Though the details of their adventure are largely lost, one anecdote firmly remains. To win Holst's blessing to take his sister out of Fódlan, Balthus had to beat him in a duel.
Balthus & Lysithea
Balthus accompanied Lysithea home to help her parents restore their family land, securing the aid of his younger brother, who happened to be lord of a nearby domain. Years later, when the end to their hard work was finally in sight, Lysithea relinquished House Ordelia's claim to nobility, ceding the territory to a nearby lord. Shortly thereafter, Balthus brought her and her family to Kupala, in Fódlan's Throat. There, they fell in love and lived peaceful, happy lives blending in with the mountain folk.
Balthus (Solo)
Slain by an unknown assailant after the battle of Garreg Mach. He was unable to make the promised meeting.
Balthus (Solo)
Fell in <Battlefield> <Month>, <Year>.