
Study requests

  • I can't really make great recommendations on goods when I don't understand their inherent value. I'd like to better understand swords, so I can better sell them! Focusing on my skill with the blade seems the best way.
  • I want to be a Great Knight. I know I've got the chops, what with my business sense, rapport with horses, and my undeniable brute strength. There's a big payoff if you let me—I just know it! What do you say?
  • I can see study of sword and faith really going hand in hand. Physical defense plus divine protection, you know? So? How about it?


  • volume_up
    I could do this in my sleep.
  • volume_up
    Feels pretty good getting a compliment.


  • volume_up
    You could make a ton of money with your instructing skills!
  • volume_up
    Ooh, newfound knowledge!


  • volume_up
    Sorry. I was thinking about gold. Again.
  • volume_up
    Net loss, but I'll turn it around.
  • volume_up
    I'll learn from this...

Budding Talent

  • volume_up
    I'm gonna be the wealthiest merchant ever!

Questions and Answers

Asking Question:

  • volume_up
    Got a sec?



  • volume_up
    I get it!

Like Answer:

  • volume_up
    Aha! That's it!

Dislike Answer:

  • volume_up
    Is that so...

Part I

  • Fódlan has been around for a really long time. That means it's just loaded with treasure. How do you figure I should go about finding all of it?
    • Read up on the history of areas for clues.
    • Investigate local folklore from different regions.
    • Hire someone to find it, then renege on the finder's fee.

Part II

  • A town I've done business in before has been deeply affected by the war. I was thinking of selling food there now—how should I go about it, in light of all that?
    • Sell the food at a reasonable price.
    • Give it away with a deal for them to repay later.
    • Give it away for free.