Mysterious Merchant

Part I Casual
volume_upSorry, but I've gotta run. My life's worth a bit more than gold to me.
Part II Casual
volume_upSorry, but I've gotta run. My life's worth a bit more than gold to me.
Part II Classic
volume_upI guess they say that business has its ups and downs...
Level up
Level up (0-2 stats)-
volume_upThat wasn't my best.
volume_upIf only sales were this good!
volume_upI know a good deal when I see it!
volume_upAll in a day's work.
volume_upBit of a raw deal...
Skill Level Up
volume_upI get it!
volume_upI'm getting better at this!
volume_upImpressed yet?
volume_upI've mastered that!
Cooking Together
volume_upAll right, let's get crackin'!
volume_upSay, you're pretty good at this. I'll try extra hard too!
Choir Practice
volume_upWho knew I'd have an opportunity to show off my singing voice!
Name | Professor Level |
Strength | 10 |
Faith | C |
volume_upHey, Professor! Fancy meeting you here! I've got a business— Uh, I mean, I've got something I want to chat with you about.
volume_upI know you're busy with a lot of things, but I was wondering if I might be able to join you.
volume_upHeck, I won't even charge you for my aid! What say you? It's a killer deal!
volume_upThank you! Now I'll have plenty of time to get to know my clients better.
volume_upA merchant needs to know the inner workings of everyone they come in contact with. Helps with the making of the monies, you know.
volume_upYou sure you wanna pass up a deal this good? You just let me know if you change your mind.
volume_upHa! What a relief!
volume_upUgh, what a waste...
Class Change
volume_upMay fortune smile upon me.
volume_upWell? What do you think?
volume_upOoo, this gear definitely wasn't cheap.