Following a Dream
Explore - Chapter 21

The Empire, Alliance, and Kingdom are no more. Nor are there any factions that could blindside us and cause conflict.

Now it falls to us to rule Fódlan, and bring about an era of peace and prosperity.

You would be a fine choice for the first ruler of this new era. I sincerely believe that.

So, your heart is already set on it! Excellent! In that case, congratulations are in order.


Would that make you archbishop? Or higher still? Am I in the company of the future ruler of Fódlan?

I agree! Imagine all that responsibility. Until now, you've always fought with all of us by your side.

So you've already decided... Such proactive thinking is the hallmark of a good ruler.

Me? I have no interest in a leadership role. I'm happy to spend the rest of my days studying...and napping.

But still, Fódlan is united, and those terrible people lurking in the dark have finally been destroyed.

Looks like it's the dawn of a wonderful new era...of blissful seclusion for Bernie!

Woo-hoo! You finally did it, Bernie! Now take your reward of eternal peace and quiet!

I've worried that I might not live to see this day, but here we are, and everything is going to be OK, isn't it?

Hah, my heart feels like it's ready to burst. I'm so full of happiness, yet I feel a sense of loss too...

I agree. I suppose if I think of those who are gone as the people who ensured our hurts less.

Please do what you can to keep the peace, so we never have to face such awful times again.

Well, it took a long while for us to get here, but we did it. The war is finally over.

We've been through a lot together, haven't we? Let me just say, it's truly been an honor.

For whatever it's worth, I think you'd make a great monarch, and I'd support you every step of the way.

I dunno if I'd call us lovers, exactly. Not yet anyway. It was just a dinner invite.

Heh, you worried I might cause trouble again? Nah, I just invited a girl out to dinner.

All fighting and no loving makes Sylvain a rusty boy. Well, I can get back in practice now.

Peacetime is the best for love—nobody dying, nobody getting hurt...except me, apparently.

If you're gonna be the ruler, you need to keep the peace going so I can catch up on my love life.

Is Lady Rhea OK? She was quite weakened to start, and then she took all those heavy injuries...

I don't want to imagine it, but what will happen if Lady Rhea passes away like this?

Anyhow... You're going to be the ruler, Professor? It's so strange to think of, for some reason!

The day is ours, Professor. And this victory will ensure our names are immortalized in history.

Or perhaps this is but the opening chapter in the tale they will write of our glory.

After all, if you are to rule this reunited land, surely there is bound to be a place for me at your side?

Is that so? It seems to me that everyone has already assumed you would take the position.

Regardless, your decision will have an impact on my future, so be sure to make it a good one!

Well, we both made it. And we avenged Jeralt too. Can't say it gets any better than that.

You've got a lot of work ahead of you, I hear. People want you to govern, don't they?

Well, at the end of the day, it's your decision. Just take your time. Think it through.

You've got to consider it carefully, so you don't have any regrets. Whatever you choose, though, just know that I'm here for you.

Well, we both made it. And we avenged Jeralt too. Can't say it gets any better than that.

You've got a lot of work ahead of you, I hear. People want you to govern, don't they?

Well, at the end of the day, it's your decision. Just take your time. Think it through.

You've got to consider it carefully, so you don't have any regrets. Whatever you choose, though, just know that I'm here for you.
Leonie & Alois

Note that the current month will end and the story will progress. All activities and special events for the month will be skipped if you proceed. Continue?

Shambhala... An underground city with an entirely different lineage than the goddess?

Strange phenomena, driven by a source totally alien to the Crests that we understand. Most unsettling!

Could it be magic? Some manner of technology? I would like to know the truth of it all. Very much so.

I want to know their history, their knowledge. Why do you suppose they chose this place to occupy?

No, I suppose you wouldn't... It seems we will have to excavate Shambhala to know more.

Although, I heard you will be the Ruler here? Should I ask your permission to proceed with the dig?

Life can be tough, you know? But if you've got your friends to help you through, it can be a lot easier.

Maybe you butt heads sometimes...but that's OK. That's how you build bonds, right?

And I've got friends, Professor. Plenty of those. It's true love that seems to have passed me by.


You should live your life however you want. That's what the captain would say, I think.

Say, how is the archbishop faring? The soldiers and citizens are all concerned!

Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

All the lords of the old Kingdom seem to be pouring their efforts into rebuilding their own domains...

But without a royal family in place, they can't seem to reach any sort of agreement, and so the work can't progress.

A lot of territory in the old Empire doesn't even have any lords right now, so there are concerns about peace and prosperity breaking down in large areas...

It is the duty of the victor to restore order. We must rebuild and reunite as soon as we can!

Just when I thought bringing the Empire down would end the war, you had to fight where? Against whom?

But at least that's the end of the fighting, right? Thanks for riding it out all this time!

Wasn't she supposed to be resting? I can't believe she'd put herself in danger by going into battle in that state...

Knight of Seiros

Everyone in the Knights of Seiros is eagerly awaiting your ascension to the throne, Professor.

With the ability and virtue you've shown, you've demonstrated all the qualities the leader of a united Fódlan needs.


And here you are, the new chosen leader of the land. Though, judging by your expression, you don't seem too enthused.

It's hard to say how a region under your rule may turn out. But it'll be interesting to watch it unfold.

Heh heh! Very funny. You know elevating the lord of the underground to such rulership wouldn't exactly be well received.

If you end up on the throne, do me a favor and take care of the people of Abyss. I'd like to spread my wings and fly away someday.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I can tell that things will settle down soon enough. Gotta get back to slinging wares and making moolah!

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

War is over! And it's all thanks to you. That's no small feat, and I bet it took a lot of hard work. On behalf of the world, thank you!

On a personal note...I'm, uh, chewing on an idea. Marriage. I'm thinking of getting hitched! If I do... I may have to move up top.

The idea of leaving my post is terrifying, to be honest. Not sure what a life up top would even look like. But for her, I'll figure it out. She's worth it.
Magic Wielder

So you've managed to make it all the way to the end. For once, it seems the stars were wrong.

My reading of the stars predicted that, during the war, you would fall to your death.

But that was five years ago. Perhaps the prediction was true for you then somehow.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?