Felix Hugo Fraldarius
Heir to House Fraldarius

Study requests
- I've known how to swing a sword since I was a boy, but I still have a lot to learn before I can be called a master. I would ask you to help me temper my sword skills.
- I have never been interested in magic, but I do recognize that a swordsman who understands it has an advantage over one who doesn't. Help me hone my skills in reason, in addition to the sword.
- As with the sword, I was trained in the bow from a young age. I have a good grasp of it, but there's always room for improvement. Might be a good time to work on my aim.
volume_upIt was nothing.
volume_upIt was nothing.
volume_upOf course I got it. No need to butter me up.
volume_upOf course I got it. No need to butter me up.
volume_upQuite intriguing. Thank you.
volume_upQuite intriguing. Thank you.
volume_upThis could be useful. Maybe.
volume_upThis could be useful. Maybe.
volume_upI thought I had it.
volume_upI thought I had it.
volume_upI know. I agree.
volume_upI know. I agree.
volume_upYou pity me. I'm pathetic.
volume_upYou pity me. I'm pathetic.
Budding Talent
volume_upA new power that I could use.
volume_upA new power that I could use.
Questions and Answers
Asking Question:
volume_upI have a question.
volume_upI have a question.
volume_upI get it.
volume_upI get it.
Like Answer:
volume_upI see.
volume_upI see.
Dislike Answer:
volume_upWow. I asked the wrong person.
volume_upWow. I asked the wrong person.
Part I
Accompanied by: Ingrid- Magic is not my forte. Being a gifted swordsman, I think my time is best served practicing swordplay technique. Why should I waste my time attending lectures, just to improve my magic skills from mediocre to average?
- Knowing magic will make you a stronger swordsman.
Like - You should step outside your comfort zone.
DislikeDislike - Stop complaining and go to class.
Part II
Accompanied by: Catherine Dimitri- I've had this sword for a long time. It is as much a part of me as the hand that holds it. But a good swordsmith could craft a weapon that's more effective and durable. Should I stick with my old, familiar sword, or acquire a better one?
- Get the new weapon. Give yourself time to train with it.
LikeDislike - Keep using the sword you're accustomed to.
Like - Why not use both?