Advice Box

Part I

  • Words cannot express my disgust with the students here. So many of these fools rely on their noble status or their Crest's power as an excuse to shirk their training.
    • You should spar with them.
    • That shouldn't be a problem as long as they're keeping up.
    • Calling them "fools" is out of line.
  • My fellow students have called me dour. They say I should joke around more often. But what's the point in that?
    • It can help settle prebattle nerves.
    • It would help to humanize you.
    • Some people just like a good joke.

Part II

  • Once, as a boy, I struck my father. Now that I think back on it, he must have been upset at the time. I wish that I could go back and apologize to him.
    • That's just how life is sometimes.
    • It's never too late.
    • Don't worry about it. It's all in the past.
  • After the war, we'll have far fewer opportunities to fight. When that day comes, what should I do? How will I keep my sword skills sharp?
    • Strive to become the best in all of Fódlan.
    • You should focus on the war, not the future.
    • War will always exist.