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  • With the capture of Arianrhod complete, the Imperial army moves to invade the Kingdom capital. They plot to send troops toward now vulnerable House Fraldarius territory and plan to attack Fhirdiad from two sides.

Programma eventi

Prima della battaglia

  • With Arianrhod behind them, the Black Eagle Strike Force marches north to Fhirdiad. They plan for the Imperial army stationed in former Alliance territory to take over Fraldarius land so they are able to attack Fhirdiad from two directions.

    King Dimitri anticipates the Imperial army's strategy, leading the Kingdom army and Rhea's Knights of Seiros out of Fhirdiad and prepares to intercept the Imperial army at the Tailtean Plains.

  • Vendetta in campo aperto

Battaglia - La battaglia di Tailtean

Tutto è pronto e lo Squadrone dell'Aquila Nera marcia verso Fhirdiad per unificare il Fódlan. Gli eserciti del Regno e della Chiesa si preparano a incontrarvi sulla pianura di Tailtean, dove credono che la storia si ripeterà.

Dopo la battaglia