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  • The Kingdom army has captured Fort Merceus. Managing troops from the now-stable western Kingdom and former Alliance territory, the Kingdom army returns to Garreg Mach to regroup and reorganize its forces.

    With sufficient might to challenge the Empire, the Kingdom army finalizes their plans to march on Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.



  • The Kingdom army, having gathered new troops and significant strength, commences its march towards the Imperial capital of Enbarr.

    In response to their movements, Emperor Edelgard orders her trusted retainer, Hubert, to the front lines to meet the Kingdom army head-on. The two forces clash in the city streets.

BATTLE - アンヴァル総力戦

メリセウスを落とした一行は、いよいよ帝国 の本拠アンヴァルへと迫る。帝国軍は市街に 軍を展開し、徹底抗戦の構えを見せた。かつ てない激戦の予感に、皆が覚悟を決める。