Throne of Knowledge
Explore - Chapter 11

Until then, can you please keep it to yourself? There are many preparations that must be made before the news spreads.

I believe Hubert will be occupied and away from the monastery for much of this month.

I have returned, Professor. All that needed to be done has been done.

I really hoped you would join me in Enbarr, but... sometimes your path takes you far away from where you wish to go.

Until then, can you please keep it to yourself? There are many preparations that must be made before the news spreads.

I believe Hubert will be occupied and away from the monastery for much of this month.

I have returned, Professor. All that needed to be done has been done.

I really hoped you would join me in Enbarr, but... sometimes your path takes you far away from where you wish to go.
Dimitri & Dedue

Professor. Please. If he hears it from you that he needs to rest, perhaps His Highness will listen.

I have a headache, but that's just from lack of sleep. It's not going to stop me from completing this month's mission.

I won't. Even if I tried, it's not like I would get any decent sleep. It would only be a waste of time.

In any case, we won't let you down this month, Professor. You can rely on us.

Hey, Teach. Is it OK for you to be out on your own right now? Just...please be careful not to topple over again. You scared us nearly to death.

I always knew there was something special about you, but you've only gotten more and more extraordinary the longer I've known you.

That transformation was just the beginning, wasn't it? I have a feeling that things will only grow more dire from here on out.

How are you, Professor? Did Hanneman make his, "I will do no harm" speech or promise "this won't hurt a bit" when he asked to study you? Both?

I've a bit of research I'd like to perform. Nothing so crass as Hanneman's poking, prodding, and drawing of blood. No, I wish to investigate Crest power itself.

Lady Rhea says any limits must be the protection of the goddess, but that doesn't quite answer it for me. Hmm...

In Brigid, we have legends. Stories containing people who have a spirit living inside of them.

Those spirit people have much strength. They are maybe able to fly in the air or race across the ocean.

Hair that shines and eyes that glow... They have qualities that are not unlike what you are looking like, Professor.
Mercedes & Ingrid

So, this month's mission is to take part in a ritual at the Holy Tomb, where you will receive a revelation from the goddess herself.

What if she really appears? What if I finally get to gaze upon her radiance?

Marianne & Hilda

Long ago, Saint Seiros was gifted with a divine revelation from the goddess, as well as incredible power.

No way! The professor transformed before receiving any kind of divine revelation, right?

Still, I wonder. Does the fact that you've changed really mean you've been granted some kind of power?

I'm guessing the revelation will just be a gentle reminder to use this new power to save the people of Fódlan. What else is there to say?


Professor, I am so happy. Your new hair and eye color suit you well. We make quite the pair!

But...recently I sense that things are a bit strained between Lady Rhea and my brother.

Whenever it has concluded, I hope they will return to their friendship, as it has always been...

Are you positive? Really? Your appearance is due to the influence of the Crest of Flames? Intriguing.

Unfortunately, I have found no record of Nemesis's hair and eye color ever changing. However...

If that transformation was brought on, in part, by the power of the Crest, that would be most... Well, I suppose interesting is too small a word.

Still, it would be an absolutely exceptional discovery. To know for certain, we must investigate further. So, clothes off!

What? A full physical is in order, yes? We need to know if this transformation affected you adversely. Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit.


Sometimes, I find myself thinking I should leave Garreg Mach and return to my home...

Ignore me. I'm's a silly thing. An old man's ramblings, and nothing more.

She's the pillar that supports the hearts of Fódlan's people. Her safety is paramount. I hope there are no complications...

When I first saw you, Professor, with that hair color and that eye color? I thought you looked kind of like Lady Rhea. Like maybe you could be related.

I like the way it looks! I wonder if I could change my hair color too... Maybe if I tried hard enough. If I thought real hard about it, I mean.

Although I are something to report! For a moment, I thought you were someone suspicious!

Lucky for you, I am quite perceptive. It took only that single moment for me to recognize you.

Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

Those students of yours will soon graduate and become unreachable royalty and nobility.

You should show them respect now, or you might find yourself out of a job someday. One look at your students' faces, and it's apparent that would never happen.

Even when your kids graduate, I bet they'll still think fondly of you. You'll always be "Professor" to them.
Knight of Seiros
Knight of Seiros

Or perhaps the only thing that's different is how you look. Or has your personality changed too?

Heh heh... Well, that's cute. Glad you're able to joke around, at least. Makes me less concerned about you.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

Hey, pal, how you holding up? The human body is strong, but we all have our limits. Even folks who fraternize with the goddess.

Hey, pal, how you holding up? The human body is strong, but we all have our limits. Even folks who fraternize with the goddess.

Hey, pal, how you holding up? The human body is strong, but we all have our limits. Even folks who fraternize with the goddess.

I knew it! Good thing I never officially turned my back on that beaut, huh? Next punch I throw is for her!

Well, in any case, we have our work cut out for us. No telling what they're planning next...

Oh...but of course. You must be the new teacher specially appointed by Lady Rhea. That is it, yes?

Rumors have been flying underground about you. Well, then! I am Constance von Nuvelle.

Constance & Hapi

My word. It seems that the rumors of you receiving the goddess's power were true.

It's clear to me, at least, that you are something more than you were. Something special.

Yeah, yeah. I just hope this newfound specialness doesn't spell trouble for the rest of us.

Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right.

Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right.


I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

You look different. And you're acting different. You're just all around...different! Shaking things up, are we?

I think that's great. Gotta keep things interesting, right? For what it's's a good look, and you wear it well!

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?