Outset of a Power Struggle
Explore - Chapter 12

Please use that gift to guide others down the path that Lady Edelgard has laid before us.

It is not up to Her Majesty to bring the students to our cause. That task falls to you.

Please use that gift to guide others down the path that Lady Edelgard has laid before us.

It is not up to Her Majesty to bring the students to our cause. That task falls to you.

I asked Edelgard what happened to my father. He was dismissed as prime minister and is under house arrest in the Imperial capital.

He always was a greedy, arrogant man. Some would say that this is the fate he deserves.

And yet I cannot help but feel indignant. After all his hard work for the Empire, to be disgraced like this!


The most important nobles in the Empire are known for taking power from the previous emperor, my father included.

I didn't think it possible that the Imperial princess could ascend the throne so easily.

Having both the Minister of Domestic Affairs and Minister of Military Affairs on your side gives you total control over the Empire's military and finances.

They must have been making preparations for quite some time without anyone noticing...

He said my father was stripped of his title. I guess he did as he pleased and opposed Edelgard.


I've gone and done it now, huh? What would my old man say if he knew I'd sided with the Empire?

I wonder how I'm going to die... Ugh, my knees turn to jelly just thinking about it.

No, I can't think that way. I promised to fight alongside you. I'm here until the end.


If the church is behind the current state of things— this society in which only Crests are valued—then I have no need of it.

Edelgard is taking the shortest path to change. No matter how drastic her measures, I agree that this is the only way.

That said, if Edelgard strays from her noble path, I trust you will set her straight again. Won't you?


I'm Randolph von Bergliez. I'm not very high in the ranks yet, but I'm more or less a general.

My mother married into House Bergliez after I was born, so my position within the family is rather lowly...

But I'm determined to make something of myself in this battle to bring glory to my part of the family, for the sake of my mother and sister!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

I mean, there's no way I'd risk my neck and my people by willfully joining a losing battle.

Regardless of who comes after us—even if it's the knights—we've got you on our side, so it'll all be fine.

What's the deal, pal? You don't want me here? Come on, have a heart. This side is where all the action is.

Look... I'll level with you. I want to help that Edelgard gal achieve her goal. I mean it.

Eh, forget it. Now's not the time. We've got to keep our heads in the game so we can win, yeah?

What's the deal, pal? You don't want me here? Come on, have a heart. This side is where all the action is.

Look... I'll level with you. I want to help that Edelgard gal achieve her goal. I mean it.

Eh, forget it. Now's not the time. We've got to keep our heads in the game so we can win, yeah?

What's the deal, pal? You don't want me here? Come on, have a heart. This side is where all the action is.

Look... I'll level with you. I want to help that Edelgard gal achieve her goal. I mean it.

Eh, forget it. Now's not the time. We've got to keep our heads in the game so we can win, yeah?

Having Yuri on our side will help things. He's not someone you want to have as an enemy.

What's the deal, pal? You don't want me here? Come on, have a heart. This side is where all the action is.

Look... I'll level with you. I want to help that Edelgard gal achieve her goal. I mean it.

Eh, forget it. Now's not the time. We've got to keep our heads in the game so we can win, yeah?

It would have been rude to hound her relentlessly until she revealed herself, yes?


Some people have spent their whole lives there. For their sake, I hope Abyss doesn't get trampled into ruin.

Thanks. You should try talking about it with Eddy... I mean, Her Majesty. She might listen to you.


I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

War is profitable...but dangerous. I really don't like seeing people I care about out there mixed up in all this.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?