Beyond Escape
Explore - Chapter 13

The Empire firmly controls the western portion of Faerghus. However, the central and eastern regions continue to put up heavy resistance.

The strongholds in these regions are Arianrhod, the Fortress City, and Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital.

As for the Alliance, Houses Gloucester and Ordelia seem predisposed to capitulate to us.

However, due to interference from Houses Riegan and Goneril, we have yet to secure their cooperation.

But because we have had to focus our efforts against the church until now, our forces have yet to meet his.


I'll tell you how happy—for the past two days, I haven't had my morning or my afternoon naps.

I'll tell you how happy—for the past two days, I haven't had my morning or my afternoon naps.

Well as long as we weren't marching. Can't sleep much then...but it's not for want of trying...

I've occupied his room. So I am well equipped to perform research on you. Isn't that exciting?

But it's fine! I've had plenty of time to stay inside lately, so I think it's time I...went out. Yeah!

Oh yeah. People call me Bernie-bear since I hole up in my den all the time. Not anymore though!


The last five years have been full of heartbreak—not from girls...but friends and family becoming enemies.

One of the things that kept me going was the hope you'd return, and now here you are.

A lot has changed, but you're back, and it's the first time I can remember being happy in a while.

His Highness, the new king, is in the process of unifying the Kingdom under his command.

His powerful army has joined forces with the Knights of Seiros, who moved their seat to Faerghus.

And now they're presenting a united front against the Imperial army. They're our greatest enemy, absolutely.

Presently, it's doubtful. That's why I'm in favor of first capturing Alliance lands.


House Gloucester will remain staunchly neutral in this war. Even if we press into Alliance territory.

The Great Bridge of Myrddin, however, is another story. I hear it is held by Judith of House Daphnel.

She is renowned for her military prowess. We would do well not to underestimate her.

I'm relieved you're here, Professor. It seems we've reached a stalemate on the war front.

I agree. It's time to shelve my personal feelings and focus on the bigger picture.

I'll fight with full force. I'm counting on you to lead us to victory, Professor.

You've finally joined us, have you? I attached myself to the Imperial army as well. Seemed the thing to do.

I feel I owe it to Edelgard to set my past feelings about the Empire aside. I am happy to help her.

It's strange, isn't it? After five years, the three professors are together once more.

I am most curious though. You say you were asleep for five whole years? Incredible.

Perhaps this is another effect of your Crest. I do look forward to investigating you in greater detail.

You've finally joined us, have you? I attached myself to the Imperial army as well. Seemed the thing to do.

I feel I owe it to Edelgard to set my past feelings about the Empire aside. I am happy to help her.
Hanneman & Alois

We're reunited! I'm glad I kept watch for you in the downstream villages all that time.

I was so devoted to finding you that I left the Knights of Seiros. Now I serve no one...

Other than you! I'll protect you, just as I promised Captain Jeralt I would all those years ago.

We've done some repair work here and there, and we're using the buildings as a base of operations.

As for me? Well, the church moved its headquarters to Faerghus, and I've seen no reason to follow.

When I returned to Enbarr, I received a summons from Her Majesty, and I chose to answer.
Randolph & Fleche

Um... Oh, this is my little sister, Fleche. She's just a rookie, but she's helping me as my assistant.

I know I'm inexperienced, but I'm going to do my best. You can count on me to look after my big brother!

I've heard you're planning to march into Alliance territory. I'll be here to guard the fort.

Um... Oh, this is my little sister, Fleche. She's just a rookie, but she's helping me as my assistant.

I know I'm inexperienced, but I'm going to do my best. You can count on me to look after my big brother!

I've heard you're planning to march into Alliance territory. I'll be here to guard the fort.

I'm the guardian of this place. Wait a moment... I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before.

Um... Oh, this is my little sister, Fleche. She's just a rookie, but she's helping me as my assistant.

I know I'm inexperienced, but I'm going to do my best. You can count on me to look after my big brother!

I've heard you're planning to march into Alliance territory. I'll be here to guard the fort.

Um... Oh, this is my little sister, Fleche. She's just a rookie, but she's helping me as my assistant.

I know I'm inexperienced, but I'm going to do my best. You can count on me to look after my big brother!

I've heard you're planning to march into Alliance territory. I'll be here to guard the fort.

My older twin works for the Knights of Seiros, but I think he's just a grunt. Not a noble gate keeper like yours truly.

Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

Within the territories of the Alliance, the Gloucester and Daphnel houses dominate the west.

House Gloucester has always supported the Empire. There's not much chance of them defying us.

So all that needs to be done to restore peace in the west now is to crush House Daphnel.

Since the great nobles lost their standing, the regulation of the merchant houses has relaxed somewhat.

You'd probably have thought that would make it easier for us to profit...but the world isn't so simple.

The war has made the price of goods unstable, causing no end of hardship for the people.

No doubt. A lot can happen in five years. A baby goes from crawling and babbling to walking and talking in that time.

Aw, I didn't mean any harm. It's just that so much has happened... It's hard to keep track, you know?

Anyway, you came back, and that's what matters. Staying here wasn't a mistake. I can say that much.

Good job surviving and clawing your way back to us. This day couldn't get better if it tried.

Heh. Say, now that you're back, we should celebrate with some liquid gold. We're not your students anymore, so it should be fine, yeah?

Oh... I like this idea. We'll make it a wild party! Even the emperor won't be able to turn it down.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

It's you. You're still alive! It's been five whole years, hasn't it? Time flies when you're standing guard.

That's right. I've been here the whole time. Day in and day out. Not like I have anywhere else to be.

The Imperial army hasn't interfered with us all that much, so it's business as usual here in Abyss. I mean, as usual as it gets here, anyhow.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?