Blood of the Eagle and Lion
Explore - Chapter 17

If someone has passed, even someone dear to me, I could stand about and wail or get on with my life.

While I'm at it, that whole idea that we must speak well of the dead? I don't understand that either.

If I didn't like them when they were alive, then why pretend to do so when they are no longer here?

We actually crossed it five years ago for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. Remember?

You think we'll meet him on the battlefield and he'll kill me? The front lines cover a long stretch of land, you know! We might not even run into him!

Oh, no no no. You should pray we don't run into him at all! The front lines cover a long stretch of land, you know!

So the campaign continues, does it? Well, allow me, as a professional recluse with ten years of experience, to volunteer for, um...staying behind.

Oh, who am I kidding? The fighting won't stop until we've defeated Edelgard, will it?


The Great Bridge of Myrddin was considerably better fortified than it was five years ago...


Say we do manage to take down Edelgard here... What do you think His Highness will do next?

As long as there's a plan, I won't complain. I just, you know, wanna know there is a plan.

Yeah, I suppose that's the most likely plan since we're traveling with the church and everything.

Heh, well, I'd be happy if that were the case, but I don't figure that'll actually happen.

All this isn't just gonna magically end the moment we kill Edelgard. It's gone too far.

Heh, well, if even you can't say, I guess it's not surprising the rest of us don't know either.

I suppose we should focus on the battle right in front of us instead of what happens later.

So, we're finally going to set foot in the Empire... I'm starting to get a little nervous.

I guess there's a good chance we'll be fighting more old friends from here on out.

The thought of fighting people who were once our makes my heart heavy.

If it was gonna come to this, maybe I should have avoided making friends with people from the Empire and the Alliance to begin with...

It did often seem strange to me at the academy that we were studying with all these people from all over the world.

The more you get to know people from other places, the harder you'll try to avoid fighting wars with them...

Thanks to our victory, I've been able to study the Great Bridge of Myrddin at my leisure.

Imagine how much time and effort it must have taken to build something that big. Over water, no less!

I hope that someday it will be opened up to the people of Fódlan—a historical site, rather than a military checkpoint.

I'm glad you're the one giving orders on the battlefield, Professor. I don't think we should trust Dimitri with that task...

Although it's thanks to his obsession that we're wasting no time, taking the shortest route to defeating the Empire.

I just can't see a bright future for this army, fighting as we are under the banner of a prince possessed.

Even if we do succeed in defeating the Empire, I wonder what will become of Fódlan.

I apologize. Whenever I'm with you, I speak more openly than I should. Please keep this between us.

Seems pretty reckless to charge right into this one. I'm not sure I like our chances. What do you think?

Hey, how come you only ever flatter me in times like these? What am I supposed to make of that?

Anyway, we've come this far. Let's just keep putting one foot in front of the other and see how far we get.

When undertaking research, the usual method is to form a hypothesis, then test it with experiments.

Those experiments reveal facts and falsehoods, yet sometimes, they also unveil an exception.

Worry not, Professor. Exceptions are what make my work interesting. Why don't the rules apply to you?


If you're here about the reinforcements, no need to worry. I've sorted everything out with my father.

If the Alliance agrees to chip in as well, we might have a real chance at victory.

That whole area is in the territory of House Bergliez. It's famous as the main granary of Fódlan.

If we could capture it, we probably wouldn't have to worry about food anymore! Bread for all!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

I can hardly believe we're crossing the borders of the Empire to battle their army. I never thought I'd see the day.

You'd never guess from the calm looks on everyone's faces, though... I mean, we're probably all gonna die, let's be honest.

His Highness, Lord Rodrigue, you... There's really something wrong with the lot of you, I swear...
Knight of Seiros

So, we're finally moving into enemy territory... We can expect the war to get even more intense from here on out.

I'm really feeling the tension now. I have almost no experience with battles of this scale.

Professor... I'll be grateful for your leadership on the battlefield. I know I can trust you!

That Duke Fraldarius is a rather upstanding guy. Getting into his good graces isn't without challenges.

Just last night, he and Felix had a chat. I'm sure there's a lot to work out between them.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

The Great Tree Moon is finally upon us. It's time to celebrate a new year. We only get so many!


I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?