The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth
Explore - Chapter 4

Such a stir over a single letter...but I suppose the archbishop's safety is too important to risk.

The monastery has been around for nearly a millennium. It's only logical that there are secrets here. We'd better investigate.

Would you mind asking around and seeing what you can dig up? Once you've uncovered some leads, we'll regroup.

The monastery has been around for nearly a millennium. It's only logical that there are secrets here. We'd better investigate.

Would you mind asking around and seeing what you can dig up? Once you've uncovered some leads, we'll regroup.

On the day of the rite, it will be open to the public. That will make it much easier than usual to access.

We can't know for certain, but it's a distinct possibility that the Holy Mausoleum is our enemy's target.

All this talk of assassination plots... It brings back dark memories I prefer to keep buried. I doubt there is any correlation, and yet...

Ah, it is nothing. I am sorry for allowing my mind to wander. My focus should be solely on guarding the monastery right now.

If the enemy's aim lies elsewhere, we had better discern their true intent quickly.

As I see it, our best option is to explore every inch of the monastery.

We should also speak to everyone here. Let's plan to compare notes once you've got a lead.

Hmm. I'm afraid we'll need more information than that. Is there anyone else you could try speaking to?

If the enemy's aim lies elsewhere, we had better discern their true intent quickly.

As I see it, our best option is to explore every inch of the monastery.

We should also speak to everyone here. Let's plan to compare notes once you've got a lead.

On the day of the rite, it will be open to the public. That will make gaining entry far easier than usual. You know the place of which I speak...

Whatever would make you think that? This is no time for games, Professor.

Whatever would make you think that? This is no time for games, Professor.

We do not know their objective, but there is a good chance that our enemy is planning to target the Holy Mausoleum.

There's been talk of an attempt on Rhea's life. We've been ordered to help the knights patrol.

Could that possibly mean that Rhea isn't beloved by everyone the world over?

To figure out our foe's intentions, we need information. Lots of it. Or any, at the least.

For now, try going around the monastery and looking for suspicious locations.

You should also try chatting folks up to see if they know anything. Once we've got things narrowed down, let's meet up and compare notes.

Hmm... We still don't have enough to go on, Teach. Let's try looking around a little more.

To figure out our foe's intentions, we need information. Lots of it. Or any, at the least.

For now, try going around the monastery and looking for suspicious locations.

You should also try chatting folks up to see if they know anything. Once we've got things narrowed down, let's meet up and compare notes.

And on the day of the rite, it'll be open to the public, making it easier than ever to get inside. That's gotta be it, right?

We don't know the enemy's intentions, not yet. But our best bet is that their target will be the Holy Mausoleum.

They're gonna make it seem like they're going after something else, but then they're gonna go for her.


If you're looking for something, I probably can't help you. I still don't know what's where around here.

What? Eating at night is bad for you? There's no way that's true. Wait, really?

Right now is, um... Well, right now's OK I guess. If you, um, want to chat...a little.

What? Eating at night is bad for you? There's no way that's true. Wait, really?

Right now is, um... Well, right now's OK I guess. If you, um, want to chat...a little.

What? Eating at night is bad for you? There's no way that's true. Wait, really?

In Brigid...assassinations are many. I have also been the targeted back in the past.

The Goddess Tower has an entrance of narrowness. That is most good. The windows are not the most good though. A target of ease for snipers.

Fighting to stop a murdering is my, my specialty. I will show my best work!

Sending an assassin to the monastery, hm? Hopefully it's someone worth crossing blades with.

No classes on a festival day! I thought I'd get to spend all day relaxing in the company of some lovely ladies, but now this mess has happened.

Hey, Professor, I know there's talk of an assassination attempt, but do you really think they'll do it on the day of the Rite of Rebirth?


The monastery holds many treasures. Maybe the enemy is after one of those?


I bought the ingredients for making some sweet treats I can't wait to eats! Huh? Oh! I know it looks like I'm fooling around, but I'm not.

I'm preparing for potential battle during my patrol by making sure I have plenty of food I can eat while walking. Smart, huh?

Professor, while the investigation is important, don't forget to make time for your training.


The monastery's so big. How can we narrow down the list of possible targets?

The only places I can think of are the vault and the library, and... I guess that's it.

I don't know who's to blame for all this commotion, but it's frankly a huge inconvenience.

With everyone stuck on guard duty, our study and training time has been drastically reduced.

Hello! I'm in charge of managing all records for the Golden Deer House. Oh, but I don't have any information of note right now.

Go ahead and continue your investigation. And put a little extra effort into it, please!

Did you know that, on the last day of the rite, the monastery's open to the general public?

Oh, you already finished the investigation? I guess I missed my time to shine...

That means the enemy isn't likely to be interested in money. We should turn our attention elsewhere.

Then again, I guess some of the plants in the greenhouse could sell for a lot. But that can't really be it, can it?

Hey, did you hear? A knight wielding a scythe is roaming around town at night.


The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is this month, right? The monastery gates will be thrown wide open on that day!

I'll be working as a guide. I hope I get to guide some lovely ladies around... Heh heh...
Knight of Seiros

On the day of the rite, the monastery will be open to the public, including the Holy Mausoleum.

The Holy Mausoleum is where the tomb of the divine Seiros lies. There she slumbers, eternally.

It's sealed with a powerful magic, to protect against would-be grave robbers.

I say treasure, but I do not mean silver and gold and jewels. It mostly contains weapons, artifacts, and the like.

Anything that would cause too great a stir should it be stolen? No. The church knows better than to store anything too valuable in such an accessible location.
Knight of Seiros

Something in the monastery that someone might go after? There's so much here I couldn't possibly name just one.

Even this here kitchen contains precious wares. Wine bottles from centuries past and the like.

I hear that stuff is fancy, but not very drinkable. I doubt anyone would go to the trouble of stealing it.

That's the day of the Rite of Rebirth! See, see? I've been studying! I know just about everything!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

Have you heard of the War of the Eagle and Lion? It was the battle that won the Kingdom its independence from the Empire.

Even the Church of Seiros had no choice but to recognize the courage of Loog, the King of Lions, who emerged victorious.

The church awarded him a crown and the right to govern the Faerghus region, backing him in his bid to found the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.

In return, Loog agreed to make the Church of Seiros the religion of his territory, and permitted them to publicly proselytize across the Kingdom.

In the 400 years since, the church and the Kingdom have continued to maintain very close relations.
Knight of Seiros

They wouldn't happen to be from your class, would they? Please keep your students in line, Professor. Kids these days...
Knight of Seiros

People seem to think that all the Knights of Seiros are equal, but that isn't quite so. There are many distinguishing ranks within the order.

For example, there are squires, who are training to become knights, as well as full knights, like myself.

Oh, and then we have the holy knights, such as Catherine. Those are the knights that can wield a Hero's Relic.

I've got my ideas about the people after Lady Rhea, but even I don't know how this'll shake out.

I don't seem very devout, do I? Heh. Even so, I'd hate to see anything happen to the archibishop.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

I've been feeling restless lately, so if you want some help unleashing on those jerks, just say the word.

I been feeling restless lately, so if they wander my way, I'll do you a solid and clean their clocks. No charge.

Oooh, this could be fun. Now I've just got to figure out where they'll be coming from...

What?! You can't expect me to hold back, yeah? ...Oh, I see. You want me to put them on ice first. Make 'em beg a bit. Heh, I hear ya loud and clear.

My fists are itching for a brawl. Hopefully, I get first crack at those poor fools...

First the uprising, and now all this talk of an assassination? What is the world coming to?

Well, that's a fine thing to say! You haven't even asked what sort of magic I propose!

At the first sign of an intruder, the petals burst open, releasing their pollen! Uhh...I'm...I'm still fine-tuning it.

Not to be disrespectful, but the Rite of Rebirth seems kinda silly. What, the goddess is reborn every year?


I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.
Abysskeeper & Knight of Seiros

I'm what you might call the chosen one. The alpha of Abyss. The reaper and the keeper. That said, I've had some unnecessary backup recently.

Lord Seteth requested my presence. There's an important ceremony happening this month.

If only my backup had been a lovely lady with a thing for watchmen. We could have had a love story for the ages...
Mysterious Woman

It is a strong voice...but frightening. I wonder what is on the inside of it.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?