Mutiny in the Mist
Explore - Chapter 3

Even within the Knights of Seiros, Catherine is the strongest. By a large margin from what I've gathered.

Lord Lonato must know that his efforts are futile... yet he can't help but fight.

If I were in that situation, I would do whatever it took to ensure victory. You can count on that.

Doubtless, there are times when one must take up their blade, even if there's no chance of winning.

If he had enough allies to back his rebellion, it would be a different matter...

Ah, my apologies. I was just thinking aloud. This whole situation is a bit too strange for my liking.

Even with the necessary preparations in place, there is always a chance that something unexpected will occur. Please be ready for anything, Professor.

After Faerghus lost its king, there were many rebellions. It is likely that Lord Lonato's provocations are related.

How frustrating that I am too young to take the throne. Rendered powerless by age... If the throne is vacant much longer, the Kingdom will fall to ruin!

First that bandit business, and now a noble rebellion? Are we ever gonna do anything but find and subdue people?

Well, if we're just going to tie up loose ends, at least it'll be pretty safe. I don't mind stretching my legs for this one.

And if Catherine's going, too, there's a good chance we'll get a look at her Relic in action.

Hey, Teach. There's some minor noble rebelling in Faerghus, right? He has no chance of winning. I wonder what he hopes to achieve...

Huh? Are you going along to help? Sounds like an easy victory, but good luck out there.

You have a kind soul, Professor. Now I feel a little sheepish for showing anger and not empathy. I apologize for my impetuousness.

I heard about your class's assignment, by the way. Good luck subduing those treasonous nobles!

I abhor those like Lord Lonato, who deliberately shatter the peace. Utterly disgraceful.

You have a kind soul, Professor. Now I feel a little sheepish for showing anger and not empathy. I apologize for my impetuousness.

I heard about your class's assignment, by the way. Good luck subduing those treasonous nobles!

Professor, about this month's assignment... Raising an army against the church? Really?

Though it looks like we won't be fighting, it's still quite unsettling.


And people here are unknowing of the spirits who watch over the earth and bless it. Only the goddess is known. Is that factual?

This flower is one that is eating insects. Is that factual too? I am wondering who watches over the plants in Fódlan...

I've heard whispers about Lord Lonato. They say he is a very kind and gentle lord.

Oh, Professor. You were working late last night, weren't you? You shouldn't overdo it.

A ghost might rise up from the well to get you if you stay up too late! Or so I'm told.

To be honest, I've felt a bit lost here at the monastery. At a loss for what to do.

Thankfully, a sweet young girl reached out and offered her help. I believe she's Seteth's little sister.

Oh... Sorry! It's nothing. I was just wondering if someone I've been searching for might be among them.

Yes. Well...maybe? If he's here, he's probably a knight. Though it's also possible he became a monk...

To be honest, I've felt a bit lost here at the monastery. At a loss for what to do.

Thankfully, a sweet young girl reached out and offered her help. I believe she's Seteth's little sister.

Why does His Highness take the side of the people of Duscur? I just don't understand it.

Only four years ago, they murdered our king and slaughtered the soldiers and knights who were with him, all of whom were innocent.

Even if he can forgive them, I can't—not ever. What they've done is against all codes of honor and ethics.

Ah, Professor. It would seem that a minor lord in Faerghus is raising an army...

This poses a threat, obviously. But not one for the Kingdom—for the church. I mean, Faerghus doesn't even have a king at present.

There's something...unsettling about this army. You had better ensure we're fully prepared.

I'm sorry, but I must vent to someone, Professor. You're familiar with Manuela's slovenly behavior, yes?

That woman! She borrowed a book last week and returned it with stains of unknown origin on the cover, and several pages either folded or torn.

Just now, she dropped a sandwich on the floor, picked it up and kept eating. When she saw my shock, she said simply, "Three second rule." Ugh!

Have you talked with Catherine yet? If the knights are the cream of the crop, she's the cream of the cream.

Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

Since we're heading to Castle Gaspard, that means we'll be passing through Magdred Way.

Depending on the time of year, it can be incredibly foggy, though. When it's like that, you can't enjoy the lovely scenery...

Lucky for us, it shouldn't be too foggy while we're there. Not that we'll have time for sightseeing anyway.
Knight of Seiros

I hear that Lord Lonato served the king of Faerghus's older brother when he was younger. Or something like that.

Knight of Seiros

How much do you think I should train before I'm ready to train with someone that strong?

The writing was on the wall. If anything, it's more surprising it didn't happen sooner.

Lord Lonato answers to Count Rowe of Faerghus, the man who adopted me. That's how I got into the academy.

I'm not going to waste energy laying it out for you. Not much point, and you'll understand eventually.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

I'm doing strenuous mental exercises. My magical theories require rigorous fine-tuning.

I shall never finish this task if I am not left to my own devices. Run along, now.

Someone's raising an army in the Kingdom, I heard. Normally I wouldn't care about that kind of thing...

But this army's picking a fight with the church, so as far as I'm concerned, more power to 'em.

Rhea and her lackeys like to pretend they're always in the right, but they're not. No one is.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Lots of things happen down here. Lots of reports need to be reported. And for all reportable things, I'm your guy.

Oh! Have you explored Abyss, yet? Some shiny treasures here. Much better than up top. Fact: treasure likes to be underground.

You're one of those treasure snobs who thinks their treasure is better than everyone else's, are ya? Those types really get my goat.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.

They don't understand that. They'll kill me! But you... You could let me go! Please!
Elderly Man

When the next generation proved to be flush with Crests, my father and I were cast aside...

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?